antonia profile picture


smooth as molasses...

About Me

a little bit of this and a whole lotta that... gal looking to keep things positive, keeping the good times rolling. architect trying to be green in a world with all the wrong priorites. sometimes shy and introspective but mostly touchy-feely and all over the place. can be bitchy on a bad day but will love you to death on all the good ones. would rather spend my day exploring, learning & playing... where is my trust fund??!!

My Interests

wacking tennis balls, biking around, drinking alfresco, sleeping in late, reading in the park, taking pictures for tourists, having a good laugh, having a good cry, food, cooking, eating and savoring each bite...running away to foreign places.

I'd like to meet:

fun loving, socially responsible, beer drinkers who will keep me posted on the relevant news of the world since i am incapabled of reading it in the papers myself.


everything but showtunes. songs from far away places in words i can't comprehend but are close to my heart nonetheless...cheesy but true.


i can't wait to try books on tape but am dreadfully afraid it will make me fall asleep while driving.


bacchus, amelia earhart, mata hari