loud guitars, sketch comedy, white guilt, crossword puzzles, self-immolation and beer snobbery.
Last week:
Chinatown, Blade Runner, Network, Star Wars (yeah, all of them. eat me.), The Big Lebowski, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Fletch, Fletch Lives, Cabin Boy, Pootie Tang, Freddy Got Fingered, Dirty Work, Wet Hot American Summer, Kentucky Fried Movie, Barton Fink, Jaws, North by Northwest, Vertigo, Dr. Strangelove, Indiana Jones Trilogy, L.A. Confidential, The Usual Suspects, Solaris, 12 Monkeys, The Incredibles, I Heart Huckabees, Amadeus, Alien(s), Dig!, Sideways, All The President's Men, The Prestige.
Dexter, The Venture Bros., Frisky Dingo, Arrested Development, Lost, The Office (both), Reno 911, The State, Kids in the Hall, Mr. Show, Futurama, Sifl and Olly, Mystery Science Theater 3000.
currently reading: