Lester profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'am simple, kind, obedients and friendly...

My Interests

watching TV, read books and listening to the radio. I've also interested in meeting some new friends.

I'd like to meet:

..//Arrow Head title- By Dynamic Drive //Based on status bar script by Jason Rex ([email protected], http://www.syred.net) //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for full source code//change title text to your own var titletext="Welcome to Dynamic Drive" var thetext="" var started=false var step=0 var times=1function welcometext() { times-- if (times==0) { if (started==false) { started = true; document.title = titletext; setTimeout("anim()",1); } thetext = titletext; } }function showstatustext(txt) { thetext = txt; setTimeout("welcometext()",4000) times++ }function anim() { step++ if (step==7) {step=1} if (step==1) {document.title='==='+thetext+'====='+thetext+'===='+thetext +'=='+thetext+'='+thetext+'='+thetext+'..welcometext ..


melow, and r&b musics


.. language=JavaScript ..new Function("alert(message);return false")// -- ..


.. LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" -- -- --////Circling text trail- Tim Tilton //Website: http://www.tempermedia.com/ //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script and more// your message here var msg='Lester the Great!';var font='Verdana,Arial'; var size=3; // up to seven var color='000000';// This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low! // Set this to 1 for just plain rotation w/out drag var speed=.3;// This is the rotation speed, set it negative if you want // it to spin clockwise var rotation=.2;// Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good //---------------------------------------------------var ns=(document.layers); var ie=(document.all); var msg=msg.split(''); var n=msg.length; var a=size*15; var currStep=0; var ymouse=0; var xmouse=0; var scrll=0; var props=" ";if (ie) window.pageYOffset=0// writes the message if (ns){ for (i=0; i ..


Welcome to Dynamic Drive, your source for DHTML scripts. ..//Document title scroller- By Graeme Robinson ([email protected]) //Exlusive permission granted to Dynamic Drive to include this script in their DHTML archive. //For full source code, terms of use visit http://www.dynamicdrive.comvar repeat=0 //enter 0 to not repeat scrolling after 1 run, othersise, enter 1 var title=document.title var leng=title.length var start=1 function titlemove() { titl=title.substring(start, leng) + title.substring(0, start) document.title=titl start++ if (start==leng+1) { start=0 if (repeat==0) return } setTimeout("titlemove()",140) } if (document.title) titlemove() ..-- -- --Special Effects upon page enter Script- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) For full source code, installation instructions, 100's more DHTML Scripts, and Terms Of Use, visit dynamicdrive.com--.. http-equiv="Page-Enter" CONTENT="RevealTrans(Duration=4,Transition=12)".. type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"..function() { if (!w3c && !ie45) return var matrix=(w3c)?document.getElementById("matrix"):document.all[ "matrix"]; ma_txt=(w3c)?matrix.firstChild.nodeValue:matrix...; ma_txt=" "+ma_txt+" "; columns=ma_txt.length; if (w3c) { while (matrix.childNodes.length) matrix.removeChild(matrix.childNodes[0]); ma_tab=document.createElement("table"); ma_tab.setAttribute("border", 0); ma_tab.setAttribute("align", effectalign); ma_tab.style.backgroundColor="000000"; ma_bod=document.createElement("tbody"); for (x=0; x '; for (var x=0; x '; for (var y=0; y '; } ma_tab+=''; } ma_tab+=''; matrix...=ma_tab; } ma_cho=ma_txt; for (x=0; x 1 && ma_row 2) { matemp=(w3c)?document.getElementById("Mx"+(ma_row-3)+"y"+y): document.all["Mx"+(ma_row-3)+"y"+y]; matemp.style.color="009900"; } if (ma_row 0.9 && m_copo[y] 200) { if (w3c) { mtmp=document.getElementById("Mx"+(m_copo[ycol]-201)+"y"+yco l); mtem=document.getElementById("Mx"+(200+rows-m_copo[ycol]--)+ "y"+ycol); } else { mtmp=document.all["Mx"+(m_copo[ycol]-201)+"y"+ycol]; mtem=document.all["Mx"+(200+rows-m_copo[ycol]--)+"y"+ycol]; } mtmp.style.fontWeight="normal"; mtem.style.fontWeight="normal"; setTimeout("zoomer("+ycol+")", speed); } else if (m_copo[ycol]==200) m_copo[ycol]=100+Math.floor(rows/2); if (m_copo[ycol]100 && m_copo[ycol] .. Lester the Great .. type="text/javascript".r{}********************************** ************ * 3D Spinning Message Script- By Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Gehrig * Website: http://www.24fun.com * Script available at/modified by Dynamic Drive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice must stay intact for use ***********************************************/// Add as many messages as you like var message=new Array("Lester the Great", "The only cute", "in the Philippines", "Welcome!!!!")// Set the outline-color. Add as many colors as you like var outlinecolor=new Array("black", "black")// Set fillcolors 1. Add as many colors as you like var fillcolor1=new Array("gray", "green", "white", "green")// Set fillcolors 2. Add as many colors as you like var fillcolor2=new Array("blue", "olive", "black", "lime")// Set the letter marking the circle var circlemark=new Array("-")// Set the width of the outline var strkweight=2// Set the waiting time between the messages (seconds) var pause=2// Set the strength of the opacity (transparency of letters) var strengthopacity="60%"// Set the size of the circle (values range from 0.1 to 1) var circlesize=0.5// Always keep messages in view even if page is scrolled? (DD added option) var keepinview="yes"// Do not edit below this linemytruebody=(!window.opera && document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body //Dynamicdrive added objectvar outerwidth=mytruebody.clientWidth var outerheight=mytruebody.clientHeightvar innerwidth=Math.floor(circlesize*outerwidth) var innerheight=Math.floor(circlesize*outerheight)var posleft=(outerwidth-innerwidth)/2 var postop=(outerheight-innerheight)/2var path=new Array() var i_message=0 var i_outlinecolor=0 var i_fillcolor1=0 var i_fillcolor2=0 var i_messagelength=0 var longestmessage=0 pause*=1000var ie=document.getElementById&&document.all?1:0for (i=0;ilongestmessage) { longestmessage=message[i].length } longestmessage+=4 }for (i=0;i= outlinecolor.length) {i_outlinecolor=0} if (i_fillcolor1 = fillcolor1.length) {i_fillcolor1=0} if (i_fillcolor2 = fillcolor2.length) {i_fillcolor2=0} document.getElementById('strokeid').color=outlinecolor[i_out linecolor] document.getElementById('fillid').color=fillcolor1[i_fillcol or1] document.getElementById('fillid').color2=fillcolor2[i_fillco lor2] if (i_message