THE GIANTS, puffy vests, my dog droopy, running, kurt, hanging out with amanda, being mean to sam, playing mario cart, dancing, glowsticks, playing my guitar, creating web pages, sandstorm, making up songs, driving around, being mean to sam, eating, and much much more
drew carey and fefe dobson
HIPV, Thursday, taking back sunday, something corporate, senses fail, green day, thrice, goldfinger, autopilot off, dashboard confessional...pretty much everything punk/emo/hardcore -- Thursday - For The Workforce, Drowning -- Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
mary poppins, american pies, 40 days and 40 nights, the passion of christ
I love the tele. I'm obessed with the OC, desperate housewives, and biggest loser. (Let's just say reality tv is my persona)
Romance novels..any kind..the steamier the better.
besides frank and elieen i'd have to say...santana moss