Where do I start....Life, death. miserable people, happy people, snobs, goth chicks and interesting stories because we all have one. My family, my friends and of course my little niece Emily Katherine. I love problems because once you have figured them out it will help you with others in the future. I love that fact I have had to deal with death alot in my family because I am now in a position where I can help others when it comes knocking on their door. I am interested in love and what it can bring, I want to find out how it can arrive and who it will come from. I love the feeling in my gut when I am kissing a girl for the first time. Love the way they look at me after I have shared something with them. I love being lost in her eyes and trying to make my way back. Moving in one direction and staying on the path but yet being side tracked every once in a while. Black boots and fishnets always do me in yet a woman in just a tshirt can have me at her mercy. Believing after all is said and done that there was a plan for all of it and eventually being able to fully understand it. Knowing how much my brother loved me and how he loved the fact that his little brother wanted to be like him so. Watching him inside the eyes of his daughter and knowing since he could no longer be here he left her to take his place. Marriage and a long life of happiness. Ups and downs, fights and make ups, loves and loss and everything in between. There is alot to this person and if you would like to know more I am only an experience away...
Everyone and anyone I can, every experience we have helps us become who we are and who we wanna be. Ideally I would like to meet the one who I can look at every day and know they are the reason I am here. In the end anyone who makes me happy, no matter how they do it. Depends on my mood,sometimes I want to meet an energetic outgoing girl yet sometimes I want a quiet dark one too, dunno lots of likes and too many to choose...
You name it, I can sing it for ya, from Josh Groban to lil jon to slip knot, I have it all and heard it all. I cant pick just one type to like and why should I because that is the reason there is various types of music. Music is the soundtrack of life and there is a song for every moment. WHO COMPOSES YOUR LIFE??
Beetle juice,any Quentin Tarantino movie, any Kevin Smith movie, space balls, any movie from the 80s starring John Cusack. Cheezy horror flick and a good love story can always get a tear from me. Any George Lucas film, ET, come on you have to like ET. Elmo is slowly becoming a favorite(emily its your fault) porn is always a favorite, u can watch it anytime alone or with a friend. Documentaries fascinate me as well as true stories. The Boston Red Sox movie is a classic. Johnny Depp films, ANYTHING BY TIM BURTON, how can ya not like Ed Wood? Classics, sci fi and all in between. My mom was a classics freak so I have seen my fair share of black and white movies. Classic horror movies kick ass. uh can someone say "where is my swingline stapler?" Office Space is a tribute to shitty jobs and shitty bosses. When Harry met Sally is the ultimate love is right in front of you movie. Terms of endearment reminds me of how my mom lost her life yet she made me watch that movie when I was a kid, I cried then and I cry now. Movies now a days suck unless they have great actors in them like Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington or Tom Cruise, all great actors. Midnight in the garden of good and evil is a great film. Hoop Dreams told me if they couldnt make it neither could I. My life with Michael Keaton is the one flick that spoke loudly to me and said hey its your life have fun because it could all be over tomorrow.But my favorite movie of all is the one I make everyday, my real life because there are so many people who star in it and they are all quality actors. If you want a role in it let me know I will get a script sent out to ya.
TV can be a bore but some stuff gets me. Boston Red Sox baseball will never be turned off my tele, yes I am white trash and watch wrestling, so what if I can be a big kid? Everybody loves Raymond and so do I. Any creepy documentary that comes on during halloween. American movie channel. Animal planet, especially venom er since I have a big snake myself. The only show that I would sit down and watch religously was the Cosby show and the fresh prince of bel air but so did the rest of the world. Patriots football on sundays and late night "skinemax" some of the cheeziest soft core porn in the world. Adult Swim, who doesnt love that. Yes I am a sucker for dumbass reality shows, mostly MTV stuff, nothing like watching a bunch of strangers live together. Basically if I am home and its on I will watch.
Recently read "Who moved my cheese?" Yes I know it is a short read but atleast I did it..right?Blue Ocean Strategies.....How you to make your competition irrelevant...wish you could do it with people too!
My brother Walter(Gig). He died while working a job trying to support his wife and unborn daughter. He busted his ass for years in a job he didnt like too much only to finally get a job in the field he went to school for and it cost him his life. Heroes are not made they are born, only in times of need do you find out if you have it in you.