♥ANGEL♥ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Click here to get Falling Objects ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ hEy peEps watz ^..... I will be telling yOoh about meh..... wEll let's start by maii name..... Maii name ish Marie Angelie..... but maii frends call meh ANGEL and MARIE..... yOoh can call meh anything that's possible to name meh..... wEll I started seeing and breathing in July 17, 1990....I am 15 for now..... I am sometymes shy nd sometymes not.... I am fully filipino..... I can speak da language totally...but not in tagalog.....just onliee ILOCANO....ILOCANO is da best...hahhah...for sure.......but I also can understand it in tagalog .....AnyWeiZ, i`M MADE OUT 0F 50% SERAFIN I., & 50% RONELLA I. HAVE 3 BR0THERZ AND 2 SISTAZ. WiTH G0D, FAMiLY & A FEW G00D FRENDS, LiFE iS STRAiGHT......The skoo that I go to when i was in kindergarten ish at Saint Joseph Institutre (philippines), fooh elementary ish at West Central Elementary school (Philippines), fooh Intermediate ish at Aiea Intermediate School (Hawaii) and fooh High school ish at Aiea High School(Hawaii) ...... I luv playing sports and one of maii fave. sports ish Tennis..... I'm not really professional but still am learning..... I also have hobbies lyke singing, dancing,nd going shopping ( of course )...... ANd oh ya I also LUV hanging wit maii frends..... I luv maii frends so effin much..... they always have maii bak..... I hate people that talks about maii frends nd meh....hOw would yoOh feel iif I talk about yOoh or u'r frends??? i`M shoRt BUT NOT REALLy dOe i MEan NoT ToTally ShoRt But.Lolz.I MEan My HEiGht is 5'1 Or 5'2, BUT TALL PE0PLE TEND T0 HAVE A SHORT TEMPER, S0 BEWARE!! TALK`N 0N THE FONE AND CRUiZ`N iS A BiG MUST!! FAiRLY L0QUACiOUS. i CAN BE EXTREMELY QUiET & RESERVED, BUT L0UD AND ENTiERLY 0PEN iF i`M C0MF0RTABLE `R0UND Y0U. i`M PRETTY EASY T0 GET ALONG WiTH, BUT iF i REALLY DONT LiKE YOU, ULL KN0W iT! i`M HiGHLY STRAiGHTF0RWARD, & WHEN i AM, i JUHZ G0 WiTH A ?YES? 0R ?N0? & F0RGET `B0UT THE AMBiGUOUS ?MAYBES?. i`M A TREMENDOUS SPEND-THRiFT!! WHY BUY THiNGS F0R FULL PRiCE WHEN Y0U C0ULD GET THEM ON SELL LATER?? i TRY MY BEST T0 KEEP THiNGS THE WAY iT SH0ULD BE, & i`M N0T THE TYPE T0 START FiGHTS JUHZ BECAUSE 0F S0ME DUMB REAS0N. LiFES T00 SH0RT T0 BE HATE`N 0N PE0PLE U D0NT GiVE A SHiT `B0UT. i SPEND M0ST 0F MY TiME iN MY R00M 0NLY BECAUSE MY PARENTS ARE STRiCT AS HELL, i TRY T0 G0 0UT AS 0FTEN AS i CAN S0 i D0NT DiE 0F B0RDNESS, BUT i NEVER GET AWAY WiTH ANYTHiNG WiD THEM... BUHT i STiLL L0VE THEM. ;D AS F0R SCHO0L.. iM CURRENTLY D0`N 0K......wEll n-e-ways, I have a crush on dis boy.... BuT he lives in philippines and he attending for high School at MMSU.... I really want to go to philippines to study at MMSu ....datz really bad.... but I can't cuz I have to go to Aiea high....lolz......... I am zOne for that skoo.....That really stinks....nah nah nah just jokin...lolz....Well anyways I really lyke him...... I mEt him when mah grandmother died last year......... He kNows that I lyke him i guess, and specially i noe dat he lyks me too.....datz was all mah frewnz in philippines told me..... I have two cuzins that has myspace..... One of their name ish BriTtaNy nd the other ish Shanelle ..... I LUV them both so effin much.... They R lyke maii bestfrends.... tHey both know who I lyke....tOo bad skoo ish ova.... I really miss maii frends nd maii other frends that is moving to a different skoo.....LiFE F0R ME RiGHT N0W iS REALLY B0RiNG.. i S0 NEED A BREAK FR0M EVERYTHiNG.. THAT iNCLUDES: FRiENDS, FAMiLY, & B0Y BR0BLEMS... OH YEA ALS0 MY ROOM :( BUHT YEA.. ASiDE AL`THE TR0UBLES.. i`M A PERS0N U CAN EASiLY MAKE CONVERSATi0NS WiTH. i REALLY ENJ0Y HELPiNG PE0PLE 0UT. S0 iF ANY0NE NEEDS ANY HELP 0R ADViCE JUHS HiT ME UP 0N MY YM. cutejoy_ann and on my angelxmarvinx18 ALS0.. iF U WANNA GET T0 KN0W ME M0RE.. JUST HiT ME UP. AYTE!! TKRZ & G0D BLESS!!. wEll that's all I can pRetty much sAy... wEll Bye pEEps .... PEACE OUT ya'll!!!! HEY HEY! THANX F0R TAKiNG S0ME 0F UR TiME 0FF T0 LO0K AT MY PAGE. iF ALL THE HATERS W0ULD JUST D0 URSELVES, & 0THERS A FAV0R & STEPP! i W0ULD GREATLY APPRiCiATE iT CAUSE N0 0NE W0ULD LiKE HATERS 0N THEiR PAGE. THiS PAGE iS MY W0RK, & iT T00K AL0T 0F TiME & EFF0RT, S0 PLEASE D0NT J0CK MY SHiiT, iF U LiKE WAT U SEE, PLEASE LET ME KN0W BEF0RE U TAKE ANYTHiNG. JUST LEAVE ME A C0MMENT 0R C0NTACT ME 0N AiM @ [email protected]. iF i SEE MY W0RK 0N UR PAYGE, EXPECT T0 SEE S0ME 0VE YER?Z ON MiNEZ!! ;) AYTE 0THER THEN THAT FEEL FREE T0 LEAVE C0MMENTS. & PLEASE, iF YA` AiNT G0T NUTT`N NiiCE T0 SEY, PLEASE SAVE YER DRAMA, F0R UR MAMMA!! ;) THANK Y0U!!"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee." Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ChAsTiNe JaNe NiNa RYZZA Ate Gen nInA 'n' ChAsTiNe JoNalYn MaY-AnN JuDy JoAnnA RuBy .. JoAnnA 'n' MeEh OtSo-oTsO GhUrlZ mAh KaBaRkAdAs GhUrL ShAnElLe BrIttAnY KaThRiNa MaRiEFLoRanTe a.k.a. JOmAr JOeL ManNy This is Forever Friendship. When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete, because you need not worry. You have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end. .. For you my best friend... a PROMISE You are my best friend... and I hope you know that's true! No matter what happens... I will stand by you! I'll be there for whatever you need... to lend a hand, to do a good deed! So just call on me when you need me my best friend... I will always be there till the end..... CHASTINE (best frewn) you're moving to philippines,(but not sure yet) I don't know what I'm going to do without you. We met in October 2003 [seventh grade]. Our friendship has been like a roller coaster, so many ups and downs.. I hope we don't lose touch when you move. I have so many things to say to you, but what I'm trying to say is that you're my besterestest friend in the whole intire galaxy, and no one will ever take your place. I love you so much Honey Girl! mah one and only true best frewn =] ***NINA KAREN ARCA...mai sweet...purtie...rich gurlie...mai BEST FREWN...even tho i onlee have known yu fo a litto wio...it feoz lyke we have known eachotha foeva!!! i stio rememba on dee first dai of seventh grade at AIS! i knew dat dee moment we started tooz talk dat we would bee dee bestess of fwendz!!! i am so glad dat we r fwendz n dat we met at AIS...i dont knoe wat i would of done wit out sum1 lyke yooh to helpz meeh wit everyting goin on in mai lyfe!!! i lyke tooz tank yooh fo alwaiz bein dere fo meeh n alwaiz havin mai baq! [i wio alwaiz have ur baq tooz k] yooh r so nice n sweet...n fawnie...we can talk boutz ne ting! we have known eachotha fo such a short tyme bawtz...yooh weo alwaiz have a very spesho place in mai heart...yooh r dee bess person a gurl could eva knoe...luv ya chokez... FLO!!! ***FLORENCE PASCUA [SMART CHICKA]...maii awesum...fawniee SIS fo LYFEE!!! omg...ii have known yu fo dee frikin litto wio...we have had sum bad tymez bawt we got threw it!!! we have laughed n cryed...bawt our friendshiip alwaiiz kept us togetha!!! ii will neva foget one of dee memoriez we share wit eachotha baq at soto!!! ii rememba wen ii first met yu in HEa KAUHALE CREW...hehe...we were so cutee baq then!!! we juss started playin n talkin!! afta dat moment...we were dee best of fwendz eva since!! ii really dont knoee wat da hell ii wud do if yu werent in maii lyfee!!! ii MISS YU SO MUCH!!! hehe...bawt den we wud b even weirder...lol!!! maii goshness...gurliee....yu r so awesumm...yu r alwaiiz hea wen ii need sum1 to talk tooz!!! n ii will ALWAIIZ be dere fo yu tooz!!! we knoee eachotha so well...we r juss lyke sistaz!!! yu r alwaiiz dere wen ii need a laugh or a shoulder to cry on!! we have been thru choke kinee stuff...n ii am so glad we r stio fwendz!!! TANX FO EVERYTING OVA DA LOONG TYMEE WE HAVE KNOWN EACHOTHA!!! ii am so glad yu r onee of maii specialist fwendz...ii hope r friendship last fo ever!!! luv yuu so much gurliee!!!! FLO!!! iiTS MAii ANYKiiNE SiiSTERR...JOANNA...JOANNA...JOANNA...OMG...YOOUR SOO FUNN TO BE WiiD...LYKE WEE DONT HANG ROUND WiiD EACH ODERR DAHT MUCH...BUTT WEN WEE DOO..WE SURE HAVE A HELLADDA FUNN...DONT WEE?!...LYKE DA TiiME AT DA MALL...WiiT FLO...EN CHAS...ENN MEEH...EN ii DUNNO HU ELSE...BUTT DAT WUSS SOO FREAKiiNGGG FAWNiiE...WE WERE LYKE LAFFiiN OUR ASSES OFF...LOL...WEOOS....TOO BADD WE DONT HAVE ANYY CLASSES TOGETHERR..BUTT O WELLS...WERE STiiL COOL...RiiTE?...WEOSS TANXKS FERR AWW DA GEWD FUNN EN TiiMES WE HADD.... KHAT...OMG...AWW DA GEwD CHEER LEADAHZ GURL...WE HAVE KNOWN EACH ODERR SiiNCE 3 YIIRZ AGOE...ii DUNNO HOW WE LYKE METT BUTT YEAHH...WE JUSS KNOWN EACH OTHERR FERR LYKE EVERR iiT SEEMS...EVEN THO WE HAD TOUGH TiiMES...iiTS STiiYO OKAYY...OMG...DERRS LYKE NOTT MUCH TOO SEYY BUTT JUSS TANKXX FERR BEiiNG A GOOD FRENND?...LOL....ii DUNNO....OOH EN TANKXS FERR HELPiiNG MEEH WeEN WII GeT TEST...ENN WiiD MAii HOMEWORK...EN FERR HELPiiNG MEEH STUDY FERR MAii SOCiiALS TESST...OH WEoL JeUST TANKXZ FERR EVEoRIItHInG...LOL...EN TANKX FERR BEiiNG DERR FERR MEEH...EN iiTS GEWD TO NOEE DAHT YERR AWEiiS DERR FERR MEEH...OKAYY...DERR...NUFF SEDD DO`S & DONT`S ON YOUR PART first of all; as i have mentioned. don`t bitch at me. i WILL and CAN bitch back at you. as i have also previously mentioned; don`t jack my fuckin` stuff. to jockers; do you realize how long it takes to make a layout? the banner, the background, the animation? if not; then i suggest you NOT jack shit. it`s disrespectful. now; if you were to ASK me if you could use something; that`s a totally different story. hell; i might even customize it for you. not highly likely unless i know you well; but if you catch me in a good mood. then maybe i would ;] but anyways. continuing on. don`t ask questions repeatedly. i fuckin hate that. don`t be one of those people that only message me when they need something. if you`re gonna be one of those people then i suggest you delete me from your list.. right now. if you add me; i expect comments. lots of `em. xD don`t take my pics without my consent lastly; DONT FUCKIN POST HELLA BIG PICTURES/FLASH/SHOCKWAVE/OR ANY SHIT OF THAT SORT ON MY COMMENTS . it fucks up layouts like hell. thanks for reading my lil` rant... A FOREVER FRIEND Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship. When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit, and makes that dark and empty world suddenly bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you, that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete, because you need not worry, You have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end.... I LoVe YeWBABE...

[♥] Don't fucking say "Thanks For The Add" when I didn't add you. It fucking irritates me, and don't blame me if I never talk to you.

[♥] Don't fucking advertise yourself on my page. It's fucking rude.

[♥] Don't fucking ask questions that I've answered in my profile. It is so fucking annoying. I LOVE people who take the time to read my profile.

[♥] If you're unable to add me up because my email is required, send me a message and I'll gladly add you up.

[♥] Aww other than the teeennyy weennyy grudges I have above, I'm seriously one of the nicest person you can find on MySpace. I'd like to know everyone on my list. (^^,)

Fe33l Fr33 tEw Li33Ve A coMm3nT!
. . .rYt HeA wEi10 FoOh YEw~♥ ~♥aLwEiZ 'N' FoOh EvaH . . .

My Interests

[x]Talkin On Da FonE
[x]Hang OuT W/mAh freNz
[x]Go To MaLl
[x]PlAyIn PiAno And OrgAn
[x]ManY To MEnTiOn

I'd like to meet:

I am no pretender.I am for real.I'm the original. I'm the real thing. Rather than asking me who I want to meet. Let's be unique and answer who I don't wanna meet. I don't like people who annoy me with questions like "can i get your number?" and "Is that you in the picture?". 'cause I don't give my number and do I not look you human enough? * Don't worry, I answer SOME questions if they're worth answering though. Pardon me. if I won't reply to mails like.."Hi!how are you?". You have to be more interesting than that. I add absolutely anyone! I may pick mails but I never pick friends. But please be honest! I had encounters with LIARS and PRETENDERS. even males who pretend to be girls!sheezzum. Get a life! I'd rather befriend someone with a bugs bunny as his/her picture rather than befriending someone who pretends to be beautiful..... i wanna meet evrybody hu luvz life nd njoyz bein alive.. in short.. i wanna meet new fwendz.. bt fwendz only.. hehe.. i olredy met d man of mah dreamz.. hu elz?.. bt mah one nd only HeArT!.. FYI.. i dnt giv mah numba' 2 peepz i dnt know personally.. nweiz, take care nd godbless us all!.. AcTUalLy yah COoL FrEn N GooD PeRsOn..... LADIES... Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forhead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."GUYS... Find a girl who calls you baby faced instead of hot or sexi who can't stand it when you hang up on her and calls right back, who would sit there for hours looking into your eyes, who doesn't care what you look like, but what's inside counts the most, Who looks at you with the twinkle in her eyes and kisses you on the cheek instead of the lips, Wants to be with you in public, even if you wear those old grass stained and ripped pants with the bleached jersey like always, Wait for the girl who is a constant reminder of your happiness and joy, who makes you smiles just by knowing she loves you back. Wait for the girl who you give piggy back rides to in public and she still is in view of her friends, while she gets off and you hear her go: "you're the one for me, for always"


[x]Da RING
[x]LiLo & Stitch
[x]What a Girl Wants
[x]80's movies (molly ringwald) u know!!!
[x]Pretty in Pink
[x]Sixteen Candles
[x]the Breakfast Club
[x]the GOONIES
[x]da rest of the DISNEY flicks
[x]Maid in Manhattan
[x]the Wedding Planner
[x]oh and JULIA STILES movies
[x]Down to You
[x]10 Things I Hate About You
[x]SAVE THE LAST DANCE.. list goes on...
[x]ummm LEGALLY BLONDE 1 & 2
[x]Sweet Home Alabama
[x]A Walk to Remember =)
[x]50 First Dates
[x]Lindsay Lohan flicks
[x]Freaky Friday
[x]13 going 30
[x]Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
[x]Mean Girls
[x]Hilary Duff's "A Cinderella Story"
[x]The Lizzie McGuire Movie
[x]ahhh the Karate Kid
[x]Stuck in the Suburbs (sorry a Disney Channel Movie)
[x]all the filipino moviez


[x]Days of our Lives
[x]Passions (lol)
[x]American Idol
[x]Real World
[x]Wil n Grace
[x]Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
[x]the Food Network
[x]Pimp My Ride
[x]MTV & BET
[x]umm and the rest of Reality TV & the WB, yaHeard me?! oooh the Disney Channel...
[x]That's So Raven
[x]Lizzie McGuire
[x]the Wiggles
[x]Blues Clues
[x]jack ass


♥ Chicken Soup for teenage Souls
♥ Chicken Soup for couple soul
♥ Five People u meet in heaven
♥ Danielle Steel


Are you my hero? You were there for me when I was sad, depressed or just feeling down. You were there for me to cheer me up, brighten my day, or make me laugh & smile. I turned to you for advice, or you gave me your ears to speak to & for you listen upon. You gave me your shoulder to lean on or cry on. I know you good enough to be trusted. Most importantly, I consider you as my true friend.
[x]GOD Of CoUrsE
[x]aLl MaH:cOuZiN
[x]AlL mAh:FrEwNz
[x]mAh OnLy OnE TruE:best FreWn [x]MaH ParEnTz
[x]MaH: BrOdAhZ Mah BrOthAh:RicHaRd mAh BrOthAh:JuLiUs And mAh BrOtHah:RoMeL [x]MaH:SiTaHz


RiCharD BrYan
RomEl AntHoNy
PriNcEss DianE
MariE nElla ViCtOriA
[-- ♠ --]

SherY Ann