-Hermann Hesse
dj0273 is the codename of a secret operative know only as "First Officer Denton". It has been suggested by some that his initials are a allusion to his purpose (F.O.D. stands for Foreign Object Damage. Foreign Object Debris is a substance, debris or article alien to the vehicle or system which would potentially cause damage), however, his existence, let alone his actions or purpose, is still a hotly contested subject.
It has been suggested that various published texts are the work of codename dj0273 and that they hold within them the secrets of a plan known amongst conspiracy theorist as "The Experiment Noir". Little is known about this experiment but many claim that it states that "Kunst ist Krieg" (or "Art is War" in English) and that "All true Art is expressed as a union of opposites".
codename dj0273 may or may not live in south east london
It is believed by some conspiracy theorists that dj0273 does not consume alcohol, drugs or animal products.
Here are some popular theorys about the true idenity of codename dj0273 : -
dj0273 creates experimental electronic music which is distributed by Noise-Joy [Net Label] : -
dj0273 also EJ's and creates genre defying music: -
dj0273 is currently working on two short films - "the doll" and "amomalies" : -
dj0273 also enjoy experiemting with painting, sculture and photogrpahy : -
dj0273 is a blogger : -