I have so many interests it's not even funny. I like anime, ballroom dance, all styles of dance, sewing, cosplay, and design.I love to read and write and spend time with friends. I like talking to people about anything and everything. And I like my job.
Making friends is a lot of fun. I hope to meet all kinds of interesting people who like to discuss and debate!a class='hov' style='display:block;width:300px;border:solid 2px black;padding:5px' allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"
There's not a single type of music I can't tollerate and only one type that I don't like. That type would be rap. I can tollerate it when the need calls, and I do enjoy it for it's one good purpose: dance. It's great to dance to.
The Godfather is my favorite movie. I also like Goodfellas, Bronx Tale, and any other Italian Mafia flicks. Princess Bride is great and so is Mononoke and anything with pirates in it.Phantom of the Opera, OF COURSE! The new one is good, but I really like the silent film.Save the Last Dance! Battlestar Galactica Miniseries.
Smallville, PROJECT RUNWAY, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Quantum Leap, Knight Rider. I love Battlestar more than anything. Number Six is the world's coolest character. I love her so much I even made a costume for her. And I have an autographed picture of Tricia Helfer.
Sword of Truth, Discworld, Incarnations of Immortality, Eragon (Inheritance), and yes, I read Harry Potter. I also like Taming of the Shrew, Comedy of Errors, the Divine Comedy (Inferno), Midsummer Night's Dream (PUCK!!!!!), and Romeo and Juliet. Who can resist a play with such a wonderful character. We all know him well. Come on now! "Look to me in the morrow and you shall find me a GRAVE man."
My High School English/Lit teacher (Dr. George), Mr. Hickey, Piers Anthony, Billy Shakspeare, Michael Crawford, Terry Goodkind. Number Six ^_~, Erik (Phantom of the Opera).