jennykat profile picture


i only set him on fire once...

About Me

i'm not interesting. really.
MyGen Profile Generator
i'm an italian actress/dancer, photographer, n64 enthusiast, who occasionally thinks i'm a pirate.
so, i'm originally from california and now live in texas. i'm currently working on my b.a. in theatre arts (performing) and minoring in psychology at the university of houston. i received an a.a. in liberal arts back in california, so my schooling will, hopefully, finish semi-soon.
i live with my boyfriend chris in houston, where we have to watch over our demon cat pandora. she drives us crazy, but there is nothing we can do about it. he is working as a cook at mcallister's, while i am bartending at chili's. hence, we have a way to pay bills.
someday, we will actually have jobs we might like more. chris wants to be a chef, so he keeps making upward climbs: fast food pizza mcallisters. some day he wants his own place. at current, my job has nothing to do with my career. um, bartending? doesn't strike any theatrical bells...
once i finish school (estimated time of departure - and hopefully close to exact - is slated as spring 2009) we plan on moving to oregon, near ashland.
but until then, we're in texas.
and i'm done rambling... for now.

My Interests

acting, dancing, singing, photography, n64, sega genesis, card games, johnny depp, movies, pirates, soccer, guitar hero, shopping, big cities, beaches, surfing, clothes, music, crocheting

I'd like to meet:

somebody. anybody.
but i'll settle for johnny depp...

Would anyone want to bang you? by phobia
Favorite Food:
Wants to Bang you:
This many times: 359

Quiz created with MemeGen !

i knew it!!! it's destined...


music is life, seriously. i love most all types. and i know most people who say this add at the end "... except country!" but i even like some country (carrie underwood, dixie chicks, etc). my collection spans classical to hip-hop to emo to musicals to old rock to country to... well, you get the point.

check out my brother matt's music page: clicky clicky! ah, shameless advertising... (but he really IS good)


my top fave six films in alphabetical order (because if you asked me to rate them numerically, i'd tell you that you were crazy - they are all number one!) and yes, i am aware that mathematically there can't be 6 number ones, but i was never very good at math...

big fish
euro trip
forest gump
nightmare before christmas
what dreams may come
x-men 3: the last stand

other films i also enjoy include (but are not limited to): eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, little miss sunshine, accepted, mean girls, the devil wears prada.
i also love most musicals, disneys, and classics.


that 70s show, so you think you can dance, whose line is it anyway? (both the uk and the us versions), will and grace, south park, futurama, scrubs, family guy, the suite life of zac and cody, the simpsons, recess


series-wise: harry potter, traveling pants, georgia nicolson
single books: bloomability, bad kitty, 13 little blue envelopes



My Blog

myspace hates me. a "diary entry" went public??

what the fuck. that pisses me off. now people who weren't supposed to see it (i.e., everybody) read it and a bunch of people hate me. and if i apologize they aren't going to believe me. even though pe...
Posted by jennykat on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 12:34:00 PST

free cursors! free cursing: fuck! see?

ok, so feba (one of my coworkers) was pregnant and supposed to have her baby in february... did we notice the "was"?? she had it last week (yeah, 3 months early... the kid is gonna be fine). but now, ...
Posted by jennykat on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 05:06:00 PST

gobble? gobble (translation: did you like the macy’s thanksgiving day parade today? i did)

how many evil turkeys have you killed today? "habby" (an ode to my brother alex, from a bit ago... i dont know if he remembers..........) t-giving, dudes and dudettes. eat much, get fat, and enjoy the...
Posted by jennykat on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 10:17:00 PST

dying the death of the unfortunate

i really am. most sucky... sneezing, sniffles, coughing, fevers, drowning in snotty plegm... i was even coughing up blood and snot for awhile.  that  was fun. i almost fainted in class the o...
Posted by jennykat on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 06:59:00 PST

running and running and running and running and running and running............................

i'm tired of texas. but my parents told me i have to stop being nomadic. back when i first came down here i HATED it and wanted to leave immediately, but my mom told me i needed to stay put for awhile...
Posted by jennykat on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST

sleepy... and kinda sick

i missed my psych class today. see, my italian class was cancelled, so i took a nap and when i woke up i was shaking so chris told me i should just stay home because that isn't good. i don't feel well...
Posted by jennykat on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:33:00 PST

ack, i had some weird dreams last night...

2 dream, both crap. here you go: 1.) i was going to pay for a plane ticket back to fairfield for chris so he could get his car and drive back. we were just about to but the ticket when he sprung a nas...
Posted by jennykat on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 09:42:00 PST

i got my bartender’s license!!!

yeah me!!!!
Posted by jennykat on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:00:00 PST

omg! i’m, like, playing 2 parts in the short show!

sorry, trying to get into character... so i am in 2 of the shorts, one playing a character named judy (who is this totally ditzy valley girl always on her phone - i actually have to say "omg!") and i ...
Posted by jennykat on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:50:00 PST

i had an audition tonight

for some "november short series". it's a bunch of shorts written by playwriting majors at uh who've created their own theatre group so they can show their own works in the fall and in the spring they ...
Posted by jennykat on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:15:00 PST