online gaming, chatting, music, computers.
Friends, old and new.
Lotsa different stuff here. Just as long as it isn't gangsta Rap, ska, country or what the industry tries to pass off as R&B. Honestly, I don't think there's anything worse on this planet than country...well, maybe that top 40 crap they play on the radio. Let's all be mindless and consume! Some stuff I like--Dead Kennedys, Dead Can Dance, Joy Division, Afghan Whigs, Killing Joke, Pixies, Buzzcocks, Breeders, Strokes, Rammstein, PiL, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Deftones, MBM...just to name a few, but there's much more than that.
Also lotsa faves... American Beauty, Clockwork Orange (or anything Kubrick), LoTR, Ralph Bakshi stuff like Wizards, Fritz and Heavy Traffic, Heady stuff like Stay, Vanilla Sky... If it's twisted, emotionally and/or intellectually provocative, I'll probably like it.
Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Fullmetal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Gunslinger Girl, Family Guy, Venture Brothers...Adult Swim when they're not showing garbage... Other than that, I try not to watch TV...It rots your brain you know.
Anything by Vonnegut. Did the Anne Rice thing for a while but she ended up getting kinda boring. All the Harry Potters were excellent.
You mean I have to look up to someone to live? Believe in yourself. Why would you want to put that sort of pressure on someone you idolize?