Cars, Music, Traveling, Animals, Computers, Sports, Reading, Poetry, Acting, Movies, Theater, Opera, knowledge, Space, stars, life, tresum (!), the unknown, adventure, and of course good food!
someone who I can connect with. Someone I can share my visions and dreams with. Someone that won't get scared at what they see or run away when they feel the immensity of my being.I have a lot to offer someone, but my offer extends to only one person. I'm not sure who he is yet.. but I've seen his face in my dreams.
Air Supply, Fragma, Frou Frou, Auxburn, Faith Hill, Josh Groban, Gabriel & Dresden, Dj Sammy, Eric Allaman, Chris Lake, The Fray, Fall out Boy, AlexisonFire, Jann Arden, Damien Rice, Sick Puppies, Chris Daughtry, The Killers, U2, The Tragically Hip.
Currently obsessed with Dante's Cove. Prison Break Smallville Ghost Whisperer Huff Heroes Rome
My hero is someone very dear and close to me. Jon F (aka, Dad or Bob). He is the man that saved my life. A life of uncertainly and unknown pain. He brought me up, when the waves got to high. He saved me from the inner pain I carried for years and showed me that it's ok to cry and smile.I'll always be forever his son.