Terry profile picture



About Me

God Bless Our Lent Observances!!! Miss all of you awesome kids from Holy Redeemer!!! Love ya'all lots!!~I am divorced but still married in the Lord (working on an annulment). *I am the mother of 4 beautiful, precious, wonderful kids who are my life. ~I am in love with the Lord, Jesus Christ, and love the catholic faith. *I love recreation but get very little. I love to work though. I am forever trying to loose weight & get in shape. ugh :/ ~I am back in the sunshine state, yeah mom&dad

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My Interests

My interests are the catholic faith, family & friends, a career, recreational and healthy activities, the scouts, reading, arts and crafts and the computer.

I'd like to meet:

The Lord in Person one day, and then to see Him Smile at me & maybe a hug, gosh the gift that would be, I love you God for the dream of it!!!


I LOVE MUSIC!!!! Music is the sound of the soul!!!! I have lots of favorites, mosty light rock, easy listening and love songs...:):):). Of Course Christian Rock Rocks!!!!!


Many favorite movies, I love the Holy story movies, I like a really good comedy and also love a good musical. The classics and romances are must sees. I Love a good sports story with a theme, I love a good action adventure, mystery, suspense with some romance.. (NON VIOLENT, etc), :):):) lotsa goodies, too many greats & artists to list


favorite tv shows... Gotta love the comedies, cheers and home improvement and I Love Lucy, etc. After that, why not watch how a real house is done. I like the home builder, decorator, garden and craft shows. Food Network is awesome! Gotta watch Discovery Health! HGTV is a time consumer! Weather channel's storm stories is good.


The latest book I'm working on is putting together a good cook book....my own recipe file.... :D too many great polish home recipes from gramma & nana that can't be passed upreading material....many greatsinspirational romances are niceThe Bible


My heros are the obvious ones that most people don't talk about, the Holy Family (Our dear Lord Jesus, the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, & of course His family didn't end there, the apostles for better than family love & their blind faith, etc), the angels and saints who did it, done life the hard way and made it to the presence of the Lord with a smile (the community of saints room)... my friends who stick by me in hard times, my kids who know hard times and have faith, and my parents & family who I love dearly, as well. My Kids are #1!! ...all in different places...can't wait well u know what! Then of course the Brown family, the Tobias family and the Schmidts for the unmentionable, incomparable, priceless good they've done in their love & hospitality to my offspring and I! Deacon Corder & and the whole HR family & Youth Group for their dedication to the Lord & friendship to us! A few priceless others!!!Thank you Lord, I love you totally!!!

My Blog

The Fun of Surveys

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Terry Birthplace: Detroit Current Location: The Sunshine State Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Height: 5'3" Right Handed or Left Handed: right ...
Posted by Terry on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST