marquee behavior=no scrolling "|anything that is extraordinary|_"
"|GuD FrEnDz|_"
"|wherever you will go, unwell, trough the fire, the remedy, bright lights, because you loved me, times of your life, all the way, thanks to you, thats the way it is, addrianne, love song for no one, my stupid mouth, your body is a wonderland, back to you, you and
"|LXG, lord of the rings trilogy, harry potter, ash wendesday, the man inthe iron mask, flipper, you've got served, peter pan, superman, robocop, power rangers the movie, troy, bring it on, free willy, chicago, cedie, a little princess, sarah, tomb raider, _"
"|smallville, 7th heaven, amazing race, power rangers wild force, power rangers ninja storm. shaider, maskman, jackie chan adventures, julio at julia, peter pan, bioman, ultrman, mighty morphin power rangers, lupin III _"
"|Tuesdays with morrie|_"
"|mE... MaH SeLf & I.......'?!._"