I'd like to believe I'm intrested in most things or at least learning about them. The top of my list: God, charitable causes, and travel.People and human kind as a whole... Getting down to a persons core to know why, what, and how they are who they are.You could call me a African-American, infact most do, however I am "just" a caucasian born in South Afica. Life has thrown me a few curve balls, enabling me to meet people and experience life on many perspectives. I would best decribe myself as a "Conservative Liberal".The Outdoors: Biking, Water/Snow skiing, boarding, running, hiking/Camping, kayaking, rock climbing, you like scuba? Just name it, I'll probably do it.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert EinsteinTalk, Give, Help, or Just Learn Something: Acknowledge your world, someday these sites might have your name on it.www.holeinthewall.org.za; www.unicef.org; www.care.org; www.crisis.org.zw; www.worldpress.org; www.southafrica.info/ess_info/sa_glance/history/10yearsago1. htm; www.crisisgroup.org; www.landmines.org; www.greenpeace.org; www.oxfam.org; www.EATAfrica.org; www.ccp-intl.org/images.html "The cure, during dire times, is our comradery, love, and empathy. Unfortunatly mankinds ability to create those dire times, the poison."
Don't mention country, no offense to those who enjoy high pitched prepubescent music. Maybe you don't like my taste. Other than that I would put alternitive rock, punk, and house at the top of the list.
I love movies. If theres a good movie coming out I'll be there Friday. Please don't DRAG me to a chick flick.
I rarely get a opportunity to watch live TV, but thanks to Tivo these shows are the best yet. 24- If your not up to date, buy the season. Rescue Me- Screwed up situations, not to far off. I shouldn't be Alive- good too know info. Travel channel- oh just contemplating.
I hardly read any hard copy books. These magazines/books have my attention: The Bible, T+L, Buisnessweek, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and Mens Fitness.
It would be hard to define one person as my hero. My friends and family are my heros, they made me who I am.