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This is our latest book to be published. We do hope you give it a chance. This is more than reading material. The message found in it can change the course of a life. It is a Bible study that most people don't know much about. That is why you need to read this book. It tells how God's favorite people, the Jews, displeased Him so much that they were sent into exile for 70 years [out of the Promised Land.] When they came back to Jerusalem, they were not blessed because of their selfishness. Once they built the Temple that God wanted, they were blessed. Read this to see how God gives all of us a second chance.
JOSEPH'S JOURNEY BY DR. JOHN HARGROVE--[John's latest book.] Read it. You'll love it! As a slave in ancient Egypt, young Joseph succeeded against all odds. This is the epic tale of one man's incredible journey. His story is a life lesson for all of us. You must read this true story behind the technicolor dreamcoat, and see how you can live out your dreams.
GLORIOUS COMPANION--Verna's novel that has thrilled the heart of many. A young princess lives life on the run when she is threatened. Next, her personal angel professes his love for her. A love with a catch. She goes from the throne to a trail of an epic adventure that will take her from the verdant valleys of Mesopotamia to the Great Sphinx of Egypt. But can she live long enough to tell her tale?
ROADMAP TO RIGHTEOUSNESS--John's first book to be published. Do our church leaders look for ways to enter into God’s favor without being in His presence? Can an person average have a close relationship with God? John Hargrove clearly lays out a foundation to incorporate spiritual truths into our busy lives/

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"Christ Himself was a Jew as far as His human nature is concerned. And he is God, who rules over everything and is worthy of eternal praise. Amen," Romans 9:5.


"When He presented his honored Son to the world, God said, 'Let all the angels of God worship Him.'" Hebrews 1:8.



This space is dedicated to spiritual growth. It is for friends praying for friends; Bible studies; and developing fellowship and personal relationships. Feel free to leave your prayer requests as a blog comment for our prayer warriors to read. Take a look at our books. They are designed for spiritual growth.

My Blog


If you live in So. Cal. order one of our books ath the following store.BEREAN CHRISTIAN STORE3396 TYLER AT THE 91 FRWY.RIVERSIDE, CA 92503United StatesAUTHOR:Verna Hargrove...
Posted by JOHN & VERNA on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 08:34:00 PST

Glorious Companion

We need to refresh our knowledge of GLORIOUS COMPANION, because KINDRED SPIRITS (the sequel) will be out by the first of 2008. Did you enjoy GLORIOUS COMPANION? Tell us the part you liked best and w...
Posted by JOHN & VERNA on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:11:00 PST


Why do we have so many tests in life?  I once read something that makes a lot of sense to me.  "A TEST SHOWS UP THE DEBRI INSIDE US, SO IT CAN SURFACE AND WE CAN DEAL WITH IT."How do we keep...
Posted by JOHN & VERNA on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:11:00 PST

Need some love or prayer? Let us know!

Post your comments, prayer requests, and remarks below.
Posted by JOHN & VERNA on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 02:05:00 PST


Posted by JOHN & VERNA on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 12:26:00 PST