The finest of food and wine of whatever kind or ethnicity; the great outdoors; opera; history; sex and travel (frequent invitations, there!); cooking; reading a d*****d good book - and, above all, uninhibited laughter
All sorts of people in and from all sorts of places (no euphemisms, here!)
Opera, operetta and some classical music. Jazz and swing, but nothing involving electric guitars or the mid-Atlantic castrated wailing which seems to pass for singing, in most quarters.
- or "films", as I prefer to call them. Taste as for books. Pyrotechnics and car chases not prerequisites to enjoyment.
As for films and books. I like "The Simpsons", but loathe advertisements and sports broadcasts or reporting, as well as the interminable and inaccurate weather forecasts
An eclectic mix. Generally, I like history, historical novels and some thrillers.. Sometimes I like to use my brain: otherwise I just want something to wash over me. I can generally live without Sci-Fi, though I have nothing against it