And the day came when the risk to stay tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Shoes, Inventing, Birds, Parrots, Photography, Scuba Diving, Living blissfully, People, Happiness, etc.
Sarah Brightman (again), Priscilla Ahn, "Sasha", Donald Pliner
Sarah Brightman, Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, Priscilla Ahn, Alice Cooper, Eminem, Trans- Siberian Orchestra, Old School, New Age...Deliver Me
(Deepak Chopra)-Life After Death, The Book of Secrets, Escaping the prison of the Intellect...(Don Miguel Ruiz)- The Four Agreements, The Voice of Knowledge...(Dr. Brian Weiss)- Many Lives, Many Masters, Same Soul, Many Bodies...(Rhonda Burne)- The Secret
Deepak Chopra, David Cunningham, Myself,