theAtRe... MusiC... bOoks... Sorry... I haVe a Lot of inTereSts i can't remeMbEr anY...:)
FUnny... PeoPLE whO Like 2 mEet sum1 likE mE... SweET... 100% open...
aNy... as Long as iT catChEs mY aTtentIon....
The Grudge.... The Ring... The Eye... Lord of the Rings... Armageddon...Moulin Rouge... Les Miserables... The Gathering... Showtime... Something about mary... My best friend's wedding... Bruce Almighty...
ChaRmed.... SmaLL viLLe... C.S.I.
HArry PottER... YOunGbLoOd... ABNKKBSNPLAKo??!!... Ang pabORiTOng LibRo ni HudAs... Bakit balikTad magbasA ng LibrO anG mGa pILipinO??