Sandrew profile picture


Newly Single

About Me

As an entomologist i frequently travel to all of the top travel destinations in the world. Unfortunately, most of that time is spent studying the ecology and life habits of beneficial insects. So instead of looking for me at the beach, you can usually find me in the forest, covered in dirt, and if i'm lucky-a few new species of insects. Which actually, more specifically, classifies me an Heteropterologist-one of very few in the world!Most recently I had the great fortune to travel to Australia for 15 months. I was part of a dynamic team of scientists trying to propose a new classificatoin for Australian Heteroptera based on recent developments in heteropterology worldwide. There are 34 families, 439 genera and 1179 species! It was a lot of work, and a long time to be away from my friends and family; but if i can help even a little bit in the search for medicinal characteristics with imense possible future implications-i'm happy to do my part.

My Interests

Eating out, Baseball, Reading, Boys, Judging people i dont know, shocking people, restaurants, NYC, etc etc etc

I'd like to meet:

I developed this myspace page in order to reach out to my fellow entomologists, and inform the general public of the benefits of entomology. Please do not hesitate to contact me to share research, or go for a beer. Entomology can be lonely.


Hippie Shit. Phish, Grateful Dead, Dave Matthews Band, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, Led Zep, String Cheese, Silent Diner, gay dance club music shit


My Cousin Vinny is my all time favorite.. but there are many others like Pink Flamingos, Cry Baby, Polyester, Serial Mom, anything National Lampoons, whatever catchs my eyes


Six Feet Under, Sopranos... and yes the OC.. only becasue of the week plot line, FAMILY GUY, Simpsons, Aqua Teen, also Queer as Folk, Huff!, and Dr Phil. Letterman, Daily Show, Punkd, Rosanne reruns, and That 70's Show, Sex and the City, Oz, Real Sex, Reno 911, South Park, Modern Marvels, Whos Line, Date my Mom, Room Raiders, 30 Days, Live at 5, Entorage


Rolling Stone Mag, Maxim Mag, FHM, Relix.. Sorry no books except texts from school. I am a dork, i actually do the readings.


Classic Italian Hero... Any deli will make it good

My Blog

go ahead, ask me anything

YOU CAN ASK ME SIX QUESTIONS:: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. __________________________________________________ No matter how random, revealing, rude, naughty or pointless ________________________________________...
Posted by Sandy on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 06:41:00 PST

lets see how this goes

Fill this out for me, if I like you and you post it on yours, I might give you some of my precious time and fill it out. Comment with your answers.1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did ...
Posted by Sandy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST