Chris profile picture


I'll be daffy, and you'll be dilly!

About Me

So...I haven't figured shit out, but I have learned that that is ok. Apparently...I'm not the only confused person walking around here on planet Earth. You can drive yourself insane asking questions that maybe you aren't meant to know the answers least not when you incessantly searching for them. My advice...stop and smell the roses, and enjoy life for what it is:) Get your own free cool template at MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Hmm...I must be pretty boring if I am having trouble with this section, LOL! I know it sounds cliche, but I like to have fun...doing whatever. I can go to a wine tasting or play pool at a biker doesn't matter to me:)

I'd like to meet:

Good eggs:)


Mostly rock, but I have a very eclectic collection. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes I feel like listening to Otis Redding, and sometimes it is one of those NIN kind of days. My friends list contains a small sampling of my multiple personality disorder, LOL!


I don't care as long as the ending doesn't piss me off! You know those movies...the ones that leave you feeling, that was 2 hours of my life I will never get back, LOL!Favorites: A Christmas I the only person that can watch this movie for 24 hours straight? Labyrinth...Jim Henson was a genius, Office Space, Snatch, and The Punisher


DVDs are commercial free:)


Sitting beside my couch is- Demian by Hermann Hesse


All of those who have touched my soul. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for y'all. Each time I want to give help me back to my feet, and I am eternally grateful for that.

My Blog


I swing...from the a pendulum;) I think I was even a monkey in a past life, LOL! Don't take this shit so seriously:)        ...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:59:00 PST

Random thoughts on a Tuesday morning...

That was relatively painless...with the help of Coors Light. One too many, but I didn't have anywhere to go. I started drawing again...trying to at least. I hope he likes it, but I'm not real pleased ...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 09:16:00 PST

An old one I deleted...Down Your Darkened Path

I held your hand as we walked down your darkened path. Where were my answers...the light you said you could show me?? You hurt me beyond belief. A crime so fucked my mind. I wa...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 07:19:00 PST