The Dread Noughts are a group of solo rap artist from all over the USA that came together on a group project out of love and respect for the music and each other.
Each member brings to the table there own style and charisma. What serperates the Dread Noughts as a group is that they all have different backgrounds as far as musical experience, to life experiences.
The well roundness of the Dread Noughts is unmatched by any other group or artist.
The Dread Nougths plan to release an album and mixtape in the summer of 2008.
Why this name?
Main Entry: dread·nought
Pronunciation: 'dred-"not, -"nät
Function: noun
1 [Dreadnought, British battleship] : BATTLESHIP
2 : one that is among the largest or most powerful of its kind