- He is really into cars, F1, Racing events, bikes, Figurines, Collectible items/toys, STAR WARS, Transformer, DVD's, 'Lepaking', Go-karting, LAUGHING!, Comedy, gadgets, Computers, arts, graphics, architecture, Designer Watches, N mostly anything that will make him move or make his adreline all pumped up!!---(Didn't i say it already in 'About Me' section? PPL PLZ CONCENTRATE!!)hehe ;p
aNybOdy, SomEboDy, eVerYbOdy who want to accept me as their friends! ESPECIALLY BABES! ahaks!
all kinds!! especially mario winans;i dont wanna know, TwIsta; slow jamz, Overnight celebrity, Cassidy; HOtel, T.i's; 24's, rubberbandman, Nelly; PimPjuice, kanye west: through the wire, marvin gaye; dance with my father, switchfoot; Meant to live........n so on..........................
mostly ComeDy..n.acTion....ehem!!.no horror please~!!
mtv cribs..punk'd..jams, freestyle, everybody LoVes RaymonD, That 70's ShoW, BecKer, CheErs, Yes Dear, BeaCh RetrEats (YumMy;p~!!), simpSons, Just ShOot mE, FrAsier, CriMe niGht.........
SheeSH!!! what kind oF qUestioN is this!!! stOp pressurIng me laa wei!!!...enOUgh asking sUch QuestionS!!! akekeke....
The One And OnlY..........MR....HUgh HEfNer!!! he's SOo muthafuckin' GenIus!!!...damNN!!!