Mainliners are back. After their praised record release, Bring On The Sweetlife, on Get Hip Recordings (US) with following US- and European tours they’re now back and ready to strike with a second smashing album.
The Mainliner’s self-titled album contains ten varying but inter-twining songs. Ranging from Is This Satisfying with feedback, distorted guitar riffs and catchy pop melodies, to Round Five with driving bass and distinctive guitar chords to Saint’s March In The Sunrise with it’s warmth and soulfulness. Plus there’s much, much more… The Mainliners won’t let you down!
Today Mainliners are a sextet. They’ve toured the States and Europe and released records on Crusher Records, Get Hip Recordings and Human Bretzel. Their music has grown from the more primitive garage music to a more modern and refined pop and rock music. They’ve still got the attitude, they’ve got the confidence and they’re back with a new smashing album. Mainliners are back, and they’re here to stay!
Dead Man's Hall and Daughter of Dimes, a 7" single, was released on Crusher Records in August 2004. It was The Mainliners' first release on vinyl and also the first release for Crusher Records. Now their second album is here, set to be released April 25, 2007.