Indie everything, getting fucked on red wine, irresponsibility, HIP-HOP, rock hedonism, weirdness, getting my ass to the floor and like, love.
Alla y'all.
right now, lady mc shit like uffie and tigarah, dipset of course, weezy & juelz, akron/family's noise-folk, and abtract shit fron kieren hebden and taylor dupree. ever, like dj shadow interpol qotsa 'ye sonic youth mbv dylan and of course wu-tang.
Here's Spankrock's vid "rick rubin" co-directed by my bwoy JR the Barber .
My bands that are going to coldrock your place sometime soon:
1. Encircle the City! Go! Go!
2. Maria Juana
3. 39 Steps
4. Love Never Dies
5. Shoot Speed/Kill Light
Holla if you wanna join my band!
Amanda Blank gettin busy with Spank Rock
Shit by Kieslowski (Short films about love and killing the Colors trilogy- Bleu, Blanc, Rouge), Almodovar, Bertolucci, Wes Anderson, Deren's experimental shorts (meshes of the afternoon), short films on the resfest dvd, Blow-Up, Manhattan by Woody Allen, and Rules of Attraction.
The Bear Comes Home, Fathers and Sons, The Informers, How We Are Hungry, the short story Peter Shelley by Patrick Marber, A Separate Peace, Less Than Zero, God Loves Man Kills, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, drugged up shit like Chronicles Vol. 1.
A random Hope Sandoval pick.
Everyday folks. And my sister .