robISM. profile picture


Het leven is een modeshow..

About Me

Hé,Mijn naam is Rob, momenteel studeer ik aan de Nederlandse Popacademie te Utrecht.
Shows I've played:
12-11-05, SKIPHOP UNITED, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
27-04-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Altena College, Sleeuwijk
28-04-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Opus Four, Gorinchem
28-04-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Gymnasium Camphusianum, Gorinchem
12-05-06, SKIPHOP UNITED, De Nieuwe Doelen, Gorinchem
13-05-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, De Haarhorst, Gorinchem
17-06-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, De Haarhorst, Gorinchem
28-06-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Altena College, Sleeuwijk
09-08-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Feesttent, Almkerk
27-08-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Woudrichem 650 jaar, Woudrichem
25-11-06, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Rockslag, Gorinchem
04-01-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, 't Amsterdammertje, Gorinchem
05-02-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, 107.1FM, Woudrichem
10-03-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
20-04-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, 't Honk, Sleeuwijk
21-04-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Elektra, Sliedrecht
07-06-07, DIVADOWN, 't Huys van Breughel, Gorinchem
15-06-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
15-06-07, DIVADOWN, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
16-06-07, DIVADOWN, Haarhorst, Gorinchem
22-09-07, DIVADOWN, Lingehaven, Gorinchem
12-10-07, DIVADOWN, Tex-Mex, Spijkenisse
13-10-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
13-10-07, DIVADOWN, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
17-10-07, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
20-10-07, DIVADOWN, De aanlegsteiger, Gorinchem
22-10-07, DIVADOWN, 107.1FM, Woudrichem
10-11-07, DIVADOWN, 105.7FM, Heusden
24-11-07, DIVADOWN, Rockslag, Gorinchem
25-11-07, DIVADOWN, Waterfront, Rotterdam
26-11-07, DIVADOWN, Café Hofman, Utrecht
30-11-07, DIVADOWN, Scum, Katwijk
01-12-07, DIVADOWN, De Groene Engel, Oss
09-12-07, DIVADOWN, Opus Four, Gorinchem
14-12-07, DIVADOWN, Kaatje, Oss
15-12-07, DIVADOWN, Way FM, Naaldwijk
15-12-07, DIVADOWN, Nederlanddrie, Wateringen
21-12-07, DIVADOWN, Focus, Geertruidenberg
29-12-07, DIVADOWN, Musicon, Den Haag
05-01-08, ANOTHER LOST MESSAGE, Aanlegsteiger, Gorinchem
05-01-08, DIVADOWN, Aanlegsteiger, Gorinchem
05-01-08, DIVADOWN, Bibelot, Dordrecht
12-01-08, DIVADOWN, Club Meander, Amsterdam
18-01-08, DIVADOWN, Get Rhythm, Ridderkerk
19-01-08, DIVADOWN, Xinix, Nieuwendijk
25-01-08, DIVADOWN, Lexnoise, Dordrecht
15-02-08, DIVADOWN, Bibelot, Dordrecht
21-02-08, DIVADOWN, The Rambler, Eindhoven
07-03-08, DIVADOWN, Urbanlifestyle radio, Hellevoetsluis
15-03-08, DIVADOWN, Poppodium Haarhorst, Gorinchem
21-03-08, DIVADOWN, Get Rhythm, Ridderkerk
26-04-08, DIVADOWN, Chipolata, Houten
07-05-08, DIVADOWN, Interval, Papendrecht
10-05-08, DIVADOWN, Poppodium Jailhouse, Middelharnis
11-05-08, DIVADOWN, Opus Four, Gorinchem
16-05-08, DIVADOWN, Rockcafé, Papendrecht
17-05-08, DIVADOWN, De Aanlegsteiger, Gorinchem
18-05-08, DIVADOWN, 't Paard van Troje, Den Haag
23-05-08, DIVADOWN, Poppodium Haarhorst, Gorinchem
30-05-08, DIVADOWN, Het Front, Vroomshoop
05-06-08, DIVADOWN, Popcentrale, Dordrecht
06-06-08, DIVADOWN, Tex Mex, Spijkenisse
27-06-08, SOLUTION, Ekko ROF, Utrecht
12-08-08, DIVADOWN, Feesttent, Almkerk
10-10-08, DIVADOWN, Poppodium Haarhorst, Gorinchem
25-10-08, DIVADOWN, Lingepop, Gorinchem

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Herman Brood.


Acda & de Munnik, Alexisonfire, Aphex Twins, Louis Armstrong, At the drive-in, Audiobullys, Babyshambles, BattlesBeasty Boys, Beef, Benny Sings, Best Interest, Billy Talent, Bullet for my valentine, Comeback Kid, Daft Punk, Dashboard Confessional, Miles Davis, Dear Whoever, Deftones, De Dijk, Dr.John, The early november, Emanuel, Emery, Face Tomorrow, The fall of troy, Fall out boy, Family Force Five, Finch, Foo Fighters, Forward Russia, Frank Zappa, From first to last, Funeral for a friend, Further seems forever, Gorillaz, Green Lizard, Hawtorne Heights, Herman Brood, Hot hot heat, The hurt process, Incubus, Interpol, Jack Johnson, James Brown, Jamiroqui, Janez Detd, Django Reinhardt, Jets to Brazil, Jimmy eat world, The juliana theory, Kaiser chiefs, Krezip, Led Zepplin, The libertines, Liberty Valance, Lostprophets, Marcus Miller, The Mars Volta, Matchbook Romance, Minus the bear, Moby, Muse, My chemical romance, N.E.R.D, Nine inch nails, Nirvana, Oasis, Pendulum, Pete Philly & Perquisite, Phaedra list, Phantom Planet, Placebo, The polar exploration ship, Prodigy, Queens of the stone age, Racoon, Radiohead, Rage against the machine, Randy Newman, Ray Charles, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Regina Spektor, Rolling Stones, Saosin, Scissor Sisters, Seeed, Senses fail, The sheer, Silverchair, Simple plan, Skip the rush, Skiphop United, Smile empty soul, Spinvis, The spirit that guides us, St.Germaine, Story of the year, System of a down, Taking back Sunday, Therapy?, Three days grace, Thursday, Tool, The Hot Stewards, The travolta's, This Beautiful Republic, Twelve stones, UnderOATH, The Used, Velvet Revolver, Voicst


are lovely.




Jan Cremer, Melkboer met de blues(Huub van der Lubbe), Komt een vrouw bij de dokter(Kluun), Broodje gezond(Bart Chabot)


even heroes need a parachute.

My Blog


one day, i looked up at the sky, and i saw a star, i wished to become just like that, i wished to become....PARIS HILTON, ha-ha-ha i'm so funny!...
Posted by robISM. on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:22:00 PST