enjoying life.... ok, i guess that would include hanging out in coffee shops, small music venues, museums, parks, thrift shops, bookstores, and toy stores. i love soccer, sailing, running, photography, painting/drawing, wandering around and watching life in progress, mint chocolate chip ice cream, playgrounds, sudoku, the sun god, the word 'gazebo' and oh yeah, travelling to damn near everywhere. um, i also have to say ARCHITECTURE... which is kinda like my life, kinda.
i'd like to meet the Dahli Lama... and one of the Iron Chefs... America or Japan. I'm sure they could both show me some really great recipes. Oh yeah, Jennifer Connelly (she lives in my neighborhood), Ben Folds, and Bjork.... and Edward Norton. Of course, i wouldn't mind meeting one of the Olson twins, but c'mon, what are the chances? I'll just settle for meeting cool, open-minded and amazing people.
(yes please!) the cure, the smiths, the beatles, erasure, bjork, travis, muse, coldplay, depeche, bright eyes, postal service, tori, elbow, cat power, radiohead, blur, the clash, doves, death cab, vandyke brown, BRIAN KINGSTON, the chris mCcarty band, guster, the faint, elizabeth & the catapult, george LAKIS, regina spektor, rufus wainwright, damien rice, digable planets, b. marley, miles, bach, and whatever Jill recommends... i even like fallout boy and maroon 5 (shhh, guilty pleasures)
the mission, edward scissorhands, life is beautiful, italian for beginners, the cell (it's pretty), goonies, spaceballs, tron, the never ending story, the fifth element, waking life, the crow, eternal sunshine, etc.
the Food Network and Battlestar Galactica... the new one on sci-fi is really freakin' cool.
the alchemist (coehlo), siddhartha (hess), LOTR, girlfriend in a coma (coupland), da vinci code, stranger in a strange land, delirious new york, etc. ... fav authors include: Neil Gaimon, David Sedaris, Kurt Vonnegut, Ayn Rand, Orson Scott Card, Nick Hornby
my parents and great grandmother... also Bob Marley and Howard Roark