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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About me... I just graduated from architecture grad school here in NYC! Wow, that was a hell of a trip. I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and I spend most of my time in design studio (at least i did), at the Tea Lounge (or other eclectic coffee shops), and wandering the subways with a sketchbook and pen. Someone recently told me that I "speak the language of happy", but in the same conversation told me that i listen to the gayest music they've ever heard. I took both comments as compliments. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

enjoying life.... ok, i guess that would include hanging out in coffee shops, small music venues, museums, parks, thrift shops, bookstores, and toy stores. i love soccer, sailing, running, photography, painting/drawing, wandering around and watching life in progress, mint chocolate chip ice cream, playgrounds, sudoku, the sun god, the word 'gazebo' and oh yeah, travelling to damn near everywhere. um, i also have to say ARCHITECTURE... which is kinda like my life, kinda.

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet the Dahli Lama... and one of the Iron Chefs... America or Japan. I'm sure they could both show me some really great recipes. Oh yeah, Jennifer Connelly (she lives in my neighborhood), Ben Folds, and Bjork.... and Edward Norton. Of course, i wouldn't mind meeting one of the Olson twins, but c'mon, what are the chances? I'll just settle for meeting cool, open-minded and amazing people.


(yes please!) the cure, the smiths, the beatles, erasure, bjork, travis, muse, coldplay, depeche, bright eyes, postal service, tori, elbow, cat power, radiohead, blur, the clash, doves, death cab, vandyke brown, BRIAN KINGSTON, the chris mCcarty band, guster, the faint, elizabeth & the catapult, george LAKIS, regina spektor, rufus wainwright, damien rice, digable planets, b. marley, miles, bach, and whatever Jill recommends... i even like fallout boy and maroon 5 (shhh, guilty pleasures)


the mission, edward scissorhands, life is beautiful, italian for beginners, the cell (it's pretty), goonies, spaceballs, tron, the never ending story, the fifth element, waking life, the crow, eternal sunshine, etc.


the Food Network and Battlestar Galactica... the new one on sci-fi is really freakin' cool.


the alchemist (coehlo), siddhartha (hess), LOTR, girlfriend in a coma (coupland), da vinci code, stranger in a strange land, delirious new york, etc. ... fav authors include: Neil Gaimon, David Sedaris, Kurt Vonnegut, Ayn Rand, Orson Scott Card, Nick Hornby


my parents and great grandmother... also Bob Marley and Howard Roark

My Blog

NYC marathon summary

hi everybody!so i recently ran the NYC marathon, and i wanted to tell you all a little bit about the race.  first of all, it was amazing.  the very first time i saw it in person, i knew this...
Posted by jeremy on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 01:06:00 PST

woah, i'm a what?

woah, it's finally sinking in! for those of you who don't know what i've been up to for the past few years... no guilt, i've been really bad at keeping in touch with people about it... but i was in a...
Posted by jeremy on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:24:00 PST

still loving my electric blanket!

for the record, i wanted to say that the Christmas of Warmth, which i spoke about so eloquently in my last blog, was brought to you by Rachel. i mentioned the amazing electric blanket of heaven... it...
Posted by jeremy on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:43:00 PST

happy 2007

Once again, i realize that i haven't um, blogged (bless you) in quite a while. yes, so now i feel an obligation to aimlessly ramble and tell you all about my life right now. i suppose there actually...
Posted by jeremy on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 07:45:00 PST

hot time, summer in the ciy...

so i'm back from berlin and damn, it's freakin' hot here in nyc. this city needs a lot more water parks and swimming pools! ok, it also needs a lot more green grass and park space and natural ventil...
Posted by jeremy on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 11:15:00 PST


so i haven't written a blog in aout two years, but who the hell cares.  i do it now, and you will like it... ok, maybe u won't and will never read this again, in which case you will probably be m...
Posted by jeremy on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 04:51:00 PST

yoga babble

so i've been doing Bikram Yoga for the past two months, and it's sooo amazing. for those of you who don't know what it is... the room is heated up to about 100 degrees with steam... you sweat like cr...
Posted by jeremy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Randon Friends

hey, i just feel like rambling, so damnit, i'm gonna do it right now. i think it's so funny how every once in a while, you get messages from random people on MySpace that want to be your friend......
Posted by jeremy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

vegas baby, vegas

so get this, my 'company' is sending me to Las Vegas for some sort of conference or something... yeah, you can tell i have the slightest idea of why they're sending me. all i know is that i'm leavin...
Posted by jeremy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST