Well, mostly Kelly.But just this evening I noticed the relationship between the usage of differential forms to find geodesics on infinite dimensional manifolds and the discovery of solutions to systems of differential equations which minimize functionals using the rayleigh-ritz or, more generally, galerkin numerical approximation schemes.But mostly Kelly.
Future Mike.
I would also very much like to meet Ray Smuckles, featured here:
Click on the image above to go the very first strip.
After reading the first strip, read the second. Then the third, and so on. Spend the day reading Achewood on your computer at work instead of working on it. Maybe you can provide me with some insight as to why these cartoon cats and rats and otters are such compelling characters.
Get back to me on that.
cal worthington and his dog spot!
Since it seems like I missed my chance to vote against comic books as legitimate reading - or maybe I did vote but we just lost. Anyways, I might as well make the most of it.
I read Achewood.
You should too.
Future Mike.