Digital Artwork, 3-d modelling using Maya, 3dsMax, Silo, Wings3d,& Zbrush, Harley Davidsons, My dogs, fatherhood, husbandry, and lastly, tattooing.
Anything good, from Beethoven & Mozart to System of a Down and more.Absolutely no Rap, or most new country, i cant identify with any of it, so its not for me.
Any of the STAR WARS movies, since unlike most of you, im old enough to have seen it originally in the theater in 1978 :P Science Fiction, Action, sometimes dramas, never ever chick flicks, although i get bribed into going to them despite my objections.
Anything on one of the following channels: Science Channel, History Channel, Animal Planet, Comedy Central, Military Channel others include House, Lost, and occasionally im forced to watch American Idol
The Davinci Code, A Brief History of Time, The Enemy Papers, Enders Game, Down these Dark Spaceways, and just about any reference books on firearms. {yes, i read a LOT}
My Dad, and My Grandfather, and KJ {my personal Savior}