sampungo - Brujo - Gabo profile picture

sampungo - Brujo - Gabo

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Mi nganga Nboba , ntondele mulonga, mi nso lurian bansa kariempemba , Si juegas con fuego , te quemas ,Si es cuestion de morir prefiero que se mueran ellos , Somos o no Somos

If you need to contact me about any abuse in my groups forum contact me Sampungo Gabo by phone (312) 233-2685 in the us

or by msn at [email protected] in msn mesanger

Si deseas contactarme hacerca de algun asunto de mis grupos Por Favor contactame Sampungo Gabo por Telefono (312) 233-2685 en estados unidos

o por el msn a [email protected] usando el msn messanger

Hi , this is difficult for me, but I am just a simple person that likes to make friends and have interestings chats. I work with computers and own some pet stores. I practice palo mayombe which is an afrocuban religion. I am a person that believes easily in other people. I just loose one of the most important persons in my live but Im still here and I will work hard to be better and stronger for that person. Im patient and try to help the people that I love. I only ask in return just a little bit of friendship and respect. I'm not a perfect person, but after all--nobody is a saint I consider my self like the opositive. I'm just a poor dreamer that still thinks that love and friendship are real. I'm a good winner and a bad loser "Si me debes en las lluvias me la pagaras en las secas" Life has taught me that the world is for winners not for losers but if I lose I lose "el dia que yo me muera buena cosa uriara Ntoto". If I promise something I just Do It and expect that if you make a promesse then just do it. Becouse I will do it! Now at this time I'm evily versus my enemies , and I am starting to think enemigos son enemigos y amigos son enemigos I promise myself to never regret my action. I will work 200% harder to try to make all my goals a reality. Life sucks but i will prevail. IF IT DOESN'T KILL ME IT WILL MAKE ME STRONGER.

My Interests

Palo Mayombe , palo monte , 21 division , vodoun , kimbisa , palo judio , cardomble , cuba , mexico , guadalajara , Santeria , Ocha , Ifa , Voodoo , Computers , Internet , Pets , Movies , vudu

I'd like to meet:

Lucy Liu maybe and People from all over the globe that have the same taste of life as me, people that never lie and dont want to use people. In a few words--honest people who don't believe that the way to happiness is only to damage other people, and you! :)


I like Electronic music and drums music , Mariachi rules! Violent Femmes , The Smiths.

You Are 100% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!

I am 92% Evil

I am the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of me! How Evil Are You?


Reservoir Dogs , Pulp Fiction , Natural Born Killers All of that genere is the best for me.


I love Tv but I dont have Any time usually i just saw bull shit , desperates house wifes , C.S.I. and American Idol jejeje


Just read what i need for the work or my belives


Jaime Arturo Paz Garcia Fundador del Area de Proteccion Civil del Estado de Jalisco.

Juan Jose Betancour Salas

Myspace Layouts at / Skulls

If you need to contact me about any abuse in my groups forum contact me Sampungo Gabo by phone (312) 233-2685 in the us

or by msn at [email protected] in msn mesanger

Si deseas contactarme hacerca de algun asunto de mis grupos Por Favor contactame Sampungo Gabo por Telefono (312) 233-2685 en estados unidos

o por el msn a [email protected] usando el msn messanger

My Blog

Nombres de Palo- Spanish

Los principales mpungos son: Remolino Cuatro vientos - La fuerza benfica del viento. Viento Malo  La fuerza malfica del viento. Lucero Mundo Fuerza benfica del viento que recorre los caminos. Sar...
Posted by sampungo - Brujo - Gabo on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 03:06:00 PST

Palo Mayombe-in spanish

LA REGLA CONGA est fragmentada en cuatro tendencias muy importantes: Mayombe Briyumba Kimbisa Shamalongo Estas vertientes fueron surgiendo, a partir, de un proceso escalonado, al que denomino: de Supe...
Posted by sampungo - Brujo - Gabo on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:30:00 PST