About Me
Hi There ~ My name is Daniella Loren ~ I'm 5'8 ~ Brown eyes & hair. I'm a only child and tend to be private. Skinny and Scarred ~ I'm extremely comfortable in my skin. I just graduated from Shepherd High School and will be attending CMU this Fall pursuing a major in B & B (Boys + Booze). My greatest passion in life is Basketball and one day would like to be a High School B-Ball coach and a CPA. I love music all of kinds and consider myself one hell of a dancer and when I'm not dancing in the club I love to shoot pool. I seldom watch TV but I'm obsessed with Seinfeld and have all of the episodes on DVD. I'm a self confessed kleptomanic - my theory is if you wake up in it ~ its yours. I like the heat so I hope to live in a hot, tropical place after i get educated. I detest smoking but on special occasions I may light up a cigar. I'm not a big eater - prefer Pepsi to food - but do enjoy me some Chinese now and then. I don't require alot of chatter during meals - many may consider endless silence during meals to be uncomfortable - but I find comfort in silence as I am not a huge fan of meaningless small talk - I prefer language to be spoken thru ones eyes. I don't get mad easy or often. I dislike drama or confrontation but if pushed can definitely hold my own. Boredom never visits me. The biggest misconceptions about me is im anorexic and bi-polar. I never cry and don't enjoy the ritual of gossip. I have a slight case of OCD and the first thing I notice about a person is their hands and teeth. I read alot and my favorite author is David Sedaris. I love to play poker and go to the Casino ~ the nickel machines are my favorite. I enjoy all sports and althou I don't have a basic type of guys I prefer, I do like athletic males. I also love a guy that can make me laugh and appreciate when they smell good - I'm a perfume whore myself so scent is very enticing to me. My greatest faults are I swear too much, I might have Tourettes Syndrome, i am getting that checked out and I lack religion - I have these faults on my self-help list to improve. I collect Jordan clothes and shoes but am proud to say I own flip-flops in every color ~ don't act like your not impressed. I am a insomniac and welcome sleep whenever i can get it. I fear the death of my parents and try to avoid public restrooms whenever possible. I'm a extremely friendly sort of girl so please drop me a line. :) Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds