Pretty much just Rorik Brooks, Lisa Feight, and Paige Herbruck are the coolest people on the face of the planet. computers,Pig destroyer, golf and trans Ams & camaros..oh and of course corvettes
this is a fuel slut compilation check them out the last 2 are a series of cartoons called i am baby cakes. look them up on superdeluxe.comMonkey Kung-Fu
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yani is my fav....along with ther backstreet boys! nile, pig destroyer, norma jean, tower of rome, shatner mask, lordiss warrior,Orchid, bach, mozart, purcell, james blunt, WU-Tang,engineers, nas, dr.dre,
man on fire, pulp fiction, snakes on a mother fucking plane, actually anything with denzel washington and samuel jackson. THe one, Kiss of the dragon, house of flying dagars, anything with jet li, every bruce lee movie
sucks!!!!! news mostly. oh adult swim every thing on it.
hmm dont read alot reading is for losers. Art Of war is my fav.
my grandfather. My mother, Every service man. michael schumacher best racer ever. Mr. Hamilton,