Bikers, Blues musicians, cool folk just keepin' it real.
Bikers, Blues musicians, cool folk just keepin' it real.
Blues, classic rock...Elvis was, is, and will always be the King!
too many to list...not chick flicks...hate men-in-drag movies!...hmmmm...okay...all John Wayne movies, Snatch, Lord of the Rings...most Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen movies...all Monty Python works...most SciFi...Serenity and Aliens are the BEST!Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Pirates & Pirates II, Blow, Spun, Sin City, Godfather Anthology (1, 2, & 3 in chronological order), Casino, Goodfellows, Wise Guys, all Sean Connery's "James Bond" movies, M*A*S*H, Easy Rider, Hell's Angels On Wheels, Wild Angels, The Glory Stompers, Cheyenne Social Club, Pitch Black, The Ten Commandments, Zeferelli's "Romeo & Juliette", Woodstock, Hard Day's Night, The Little Prince, Braveheart, Rob Roy, Excaliber, El Cid, Hildago, Little Big Man, Hud, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Long Hot Summer, Cool Hand Luke, One-Eyed Jacks, Ishtar...(NAWWWWW-W-W-W...I just like to throw that in to see if it jerks anyone's chain), Platoon, Dirty Dozen, The Great Escape...okay, I'm tired of this now...
zzzzzzzzz-z-z-z-z...well, Band of Brothers, all the Law and Order spin-offs, CSI (LV only), Antiques Roadshow, most History Channel and Discovery Channel shows...especially Deadliest Catch and American Chopper, Boston Legal, Monday Night Football, all of the Olympics when they are on...summer and winter, Firefly reruns,
Nope...there really are too many to list here!
My father, John Wayne, Charlton Heston, Kirk Douglas, Sonny Barger, Hunter S. Thompson, Benjamin Franklin, the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Muhammed Ali, Jimi...