y'know... this and that. things in general.
Jesus i guess... just to shake his hand.The Pope - He's got a funny hat.StayPuft Marshmallow man, that much marshmallow has got to be tasty.You, the reader of this, because you have taken the time to read it, i have to take the time to see you :) i guess it works that way :Serr.. i dont know, some other people probably.
As like most people i do like a wide selection of music, but if i had to pick a 'genre' i guess it would be like power/progressive metal music... though as i said i do like a wide selection of others.
Watched 'The Island' the other day, despite the fact that many reviews have said it is rubbish, i enjoyed it. 'Lord of war' has its moments, as does many films. Favourite film - err i dont know :S
Dont watch much t.v. Dont have time.
Only ever properly read 2 books, not counting the whole forced readingness of the educationsal institution in general. 'Violets are blue' (was a vampirery kinda book, didnt read the prequel so some things i didnt understand but hey thats just me) and the second one i cant remember right now... was good though. have another im currently reading... so i guess the count soon would be 3 :) yay
"The characteristic of heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world." - Ralph Waldo Emerson