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Writing (but i dont do any) Podacting, which I will be doing very soon, Puppet making (But i dont do any) Reading (I dont do enough) Drawing (see above) Sculpting (again) archery. (one night a week isnt enough) watching TV/DVDs... (Too much)
The alternate universe me... the me that made diffrent choices or has the ability to consentrait.. apart from that Id quite like to meet david tenant and Chris Ecklesscake so that i can say ive met all the actors who have ever played the doctor.. though this would still be a lie as... well for obvious reasons
Hell. ill listen to almost anything. Though the inner goth in me often needs a nice bit of dark 80's cheese... ah bless. I wont list whats on my ipod for embarasment is a factor
Serenity, Clone Wars, La Jette, Jabawocky, Time Bandits, Brazil, Empire strikes back, Strings,Not best but not bad films.. well worth a look Underworld, Preaching to the perverted,WORST FILMS (avoid these!) Tromers War Last Year in Marianbad
Doctor Who, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Torchwood, NCIS, X files, Nightingales, Ludwig, Bagpuss, Aeon Flux, Peter Kay, Spaced, League of Gentlemen, Saphire and Steel, Ulysees 31, IT Crowd, Hyperdrive, Red Dwarf,... a few soaps...
Microserfs, The Presliad, Mortal Engines (Hungry citys quartet), The Potter Books Reading Alice in wonderland at the moment as id not actually got round to it before!
Apart from my family and my friends, My Heores are all fictional. that way they cant let you down. For that is the nature of fiction