WhoFest is the annual celebration of Doctor Who, where every year fans gather from all over... umm... well, from all over about 4 homes to unite and watch DOCTOR WHO ALL DAY LONG!!! We pick one story from each Doctor and have ourselves a Doctor Who marathon.
2009 marks the 46th Anniversary of Doctor Who. This year we opened up the voting on which stories we are watching in an online poll at Outpost Skaro an online Doctor Who forum.
And the winners for Whofest 2009 are...
1st Doctor: The War Machines
2nd Doctor: The Mind Robber
3rd Doctor: The Daemons
4th Doctor: The Talons of Weng-Chiang
5th Doctor: The Caves of Androzani
6th Doctor: Attack of the Cybermen
7th Doctor: Remembrance of the Daleks
8th Doctor: Doctor Who TV Movie: An Edit Within (30-minute edited version put together by Fer Goodnough)
9th Doctor: The Unquiet Dead
10th Doctor: Midnight
And the winner of the Whofest 2008 T-shirt competition is...
DESIGN C by Craig Hines & Amy Grosser!! Congratulations to Craig & Amy for winning for two years in a row!
<The exact tallies were:
DESIGN A by Dave West - 21%
DESIGN B by Fer Goodnough - 21%
DESIGN C by Craig Hines & Amy Grosser - 47%
DESIGN D by Richard A. Franklin - 11%
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone, as ALL the designs seriously kicked butt this year. And thank you to everyone who voted!!!