I LOVE TO... hang with my son Bryce Who just turned 13...yall pray for me.....lol HOBBIES Basketball,Staying Single livin' and chillin'FAVORITE FOODS I am addicted to Seafood
I'D GIVE ANYTHING TO MEET... John Singleton " I Really wanted to be an actor"
FAVORITE CD's Prince" Sign of the times", and Gohstface "Fish Scale"
FAVORITE MOVIE Belly, and Bamboozled
FAVORITE BOOK Solomon's Song
PERSONS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED YOU THE MOST Bishop H.W.Speights-Grandfather , Edmund R, Morris Sr.-Dad R.I.P. , John Mason--Morning show Host-Detroit, M.C. Sneed VP/coo Radio One, Steve Hegwood-Owner On Top Com.. Rick Party-Air Personality, Mic Fox-former-Programming Director for Radio One-St. Louis, and GORDON PARKS RIP!!