my family, my friends, sex, women, basketball, work, school, and cancer childrenin that order
if it's not on the list i probably don't care about it
Everything About Me!
Basic Information
Name: max
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 011585nigga.
Current Location: my profile somewhere
Build: More to Love
Eye Color: bloodshot
Hair Color: dirty
Best Feature: im not a used car
Greatest Fear: death
Greatest Weakness: i have hairy toes
Favorite Hobby: guitarish
Greatest Achievement: TBA some day
Do you...
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Not Anymore
Do Drugs: Not Anymore
Have You...
Been in Love: Yes
Been Dumped: Yes
Dumped Someone: Yes
Ever Stolen: Way back when
Ever Had Sex: Ummm..
confessions | free quizzes | free ringtones
just here to talk to people while i work. if i know you, add me. if not, tell me how cool you think i am, then add me.
classic rock, rock, and hippy music. sounds that make me happy. i'm not naming artists right now, but i like black people, white people, asian people, and anyone else that has a bandmember that can hold a guitar and make it sound something like music
most types of pornography.
Classy, huh?
dr suess, anything with popout pictures and amazing fantasy islands and magical monsters. for magazines, i enjoy anything with a centerfold and "illustrations"
gilbert grape. wtf is eating that guy, anyways?