I posess technology far beyond Imperial levels, but I combine it with relativly primitive melee weapons for a disturbingly effective arsenal. While hunting big game I often travel alone, but when hunting social animals (such as Humans or Aliens) I usually travel in groups of five to fifteen. Upon landing in the hunting ground, I will engage my camo cloak and survey the area, stalking and analyzing my prey. I will attack only when I judge the time to be optimal or if I am forced to, in which case I will use all weapons available to me (including the plasma cannon). If I choose the time of the attack, I will sneak up on the prey and attack with melee weapons, using ranged attacks only when outnumbered or in desperation. Assuming I win, my subsequent action will depend on the situation. If I am in no danger of retaliation, I will skin and decapitate my prey, taking both back to my ship to clean and display. If I must beat a hasty retreat, I will simply claim the skull and leave. If I judge my situation to be hopeless, I can activate my wrist computer's self destruct sequence. The standard setting is for seven seconds, but the timer can be easily set to any duration. The resulting blast is extremely powerful, and may devastate the surrounding area for half a kilometer or more, depending on terrain.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Major 'Dutch' Schaeffer, Major George Dillon, Anna, Sergeant 'Mac' Eliot, Blain, Billy, Poncho Ramirez, General Phillips, Hawkins, Aliens...and kill them