~+-> eJ <-+~ profile picture

~+-> eJ <-+~

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I woulD deScRibE mYselF AS tHE typE oF fRiEnd tHAt u cAn cAll anytimE oF thE dAy oR nighT who iS aLwAyz REAdY to go ouT & hAve fUN ! aLsO a PassIonatE EnTreoReneuR, i"m aLSo a woRk harD/ plAy hard typE oF pErSOn who doEs eVerytHIng on anoTheR leVel. I lOVe hiGh eNergy & intelligent peoPle who spEak thEiR MinD As muCh AS thEy keeP iT oPen! EnthusiaStiCAlly dEtErmineD buSinEssmAn wiTh hiGh AmbitIons who enjOys liSTeninG 2 Sounds oF Laughter~~ *EnjoY liFe~ *cheeRz

My Interests

TraVelLing~ AdVenTuRes~ cLuBb|ng('Dancin)~ LisTeninG 2 MuSic(fav.)~ BasKetBa|L~ PaRtyiN~ cHaTtin~ ShoPPiN~ cHeCkin ouT beaut|fuLL ppL & FliRtiN~*hehe~ Fav.-- ... aPPreciAting fooD : EAtING !!!

I'd like to meet:

looKin 4 Mentors, frIendz, positive, PasSionAte BuSineSS miNDeD ppL, & ppL who beLIve in mAKin d woRld a better pLace 2 liVe in~~


Missy Elliot, Gwen Stephani, Craig David, JUstin Timberlake, Lee Hom, LInKin PaRk, TranCE, LAtin, Jazz, Swing, bongO, TribAl, LatIN & Hip+H0p.... (I'm a MuSiC adDicT !)


Am3riCan piE ~ VaN wi|deRs ~ aLL Andy Lau, Jim Carrey & Stephen Chow's movies, Heist, political, Spies, hacks, cops & robbers & Any PhrEAkin CraZY teeN MovIeS dat can mAke uR sTomACh acHe !!!


aLL Trumps booK~ meNs HeAlth mag, neWman mag, BusinEss reAlteD, leadersHIp & sElF heLp booKz~