Jobelle profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i'm a jOLLy, kid at heart girL thOugh other pipOL find me 'supLada' (daw..) and i am Single..(nO bOyfrieNd sinCe biRth!!!AhAhAA!!) Yes, dEy say siNgLe lyF can geT loneLy & desPerate. dEr weR mOments weN it crOsses my mind,"Am I going 2 b dead for days & wil d cockroaches & rats b licking my corpse b4 any1 finds me??" hOw pathetic..But 4 me..Single lyF is voLuptuously luxurious, my onLy trUe respOnsibility is living d bEst lyF i can. i always feel i wud nvr marry,yUp! i dO! i mean it! WHY does wen a single wOman proclaims her hapiness,it sOunds lame & defensive 4 others? nobOdy rily believes..dey rOLL dEyR eyes & thinK,"She's juz saying dat but deep insyd she's dying 2 b w/ sOm1!" oh' c'mOn..freak Out!!! As a single wOman, i "may" nvr hav a babe/honey/sweety/darling (watever u call it!) but i dO hav deep, intense FRIENDSHIPS, which satisfy my need 4 affirmatiOn, affectiOn, cOmpaniOnship, & lauGhter. & at d end of d day, i haV my whOle family by my siDe.. i may b strUcK by liGhtninG 2mOrrOw, faLL madLy inlOve & get maRried(hu knOws?!?), Or i may stay 2 my artistic spinster fantasy. bUt 4 nOw, d wOrld is my OysTer, & i hav gLoriOus..gLoriOus peArLs 2 weaR eveRywEr i gO. . .

My Interests

driving, coffee, cars, shoes, day dreaming!hahaha, Surfing the net, texting, listening to music, watching VCD's, chatting..

I'd like to meet:

Someone who is TRUE.. add me up: [email protected] i also have an account at! Thank you...


Pop & Rnb


The Ghost Ship, Titanic, Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings, Selena, Crossroads & A Walk to Remember


my myx, mtv, PBA, Great Teacher Onizuka


Sybil, Harry potter and The Sorcerer's Stone


Spider man!