Computers, Bikes, Exercise, Books, Music, Games, Kids, Adventure, Friends, Family, The UnAmerican Way, Simplicity.
Gandhi, Buddha, The Beastie Boys, Todd's Mom, God, and that nice old lady that is always reading her book over at Einstein's. Man, she seems interesting.
You name it. Just don't name anything country. (excluding "The Boot Scoot Boogie")
Life as a House, Shawshank, Pleasantville, Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, Million Dollar Baby, The Hustler, The Color of Money, Anything Sandler, Super Size Me, hmmm...more on that later.
Got rid of my television years ago. Think outside the box, kill your television (but not your computer because what would you do without a computer?)
Your Money or your Life, Simple Living, Anything John Irvin, The Life of Pi,The WhiteBoy Shuffle, The Poisonwood Bible, The Catcher in the Rye, Shane, The Da Vinchi Code, Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Oh, the places you'll go!, The Tao Te Ching, Anything David Sedaris ....again...more later. :)
My dad. My Mom. My grandmother. My brother. oh....and Wolverine.