tRiXeN profile picture


hEre'S mY aD [email protected]. aDd mY fRenZtER aCcoUnT (saMe e-Ad).

About Me

eVRyOne kNowS I'M jUZ a siMpLE pErsOn aND yEah i rEaLLy aM. BuT i hAve sO mUcH tO giVE... i'M gOod aT cERtaiN thinGs bUT i cAn'T sEeM tO shOW iT tO evEryONe. I juSt sTaY As aVerAge. i dON'T LiKE cATchiNG tOo mUcH aTTeNtiON fRoM pEoPLe bEcAuSe i dOn'T wAnt tHEm tO exPect sOmethiNg fROM mE. EspEciALLy wHEn thEY aLrEadY wANt mE tO dO thiNgs fAr fRom tHE rANge oF mY aBiLitiEs. dO yOu gEt wHAt i MEaN? (oKaY, i thiNk I sOUndEd sElfisH aLreadY) sOmeTiMEs i wiSh tHaT eVerytiME i gET to Do a gOod jOb, pEopLE wiLL nOT giVE a biG deAl abOUt iT. yEs, thErE iS a paRT oF mE tHAt nEeds aTtEntioN bUt i dOn't LiKE tOo mUch oF iT. AnyWaY, i'm a gOoD pErSon. i tRuLy vaLuE thoSe spEciAL tO mE.


My Interests

aSiDE fRoM dRoOLiNG oVEr JohNny dEpP aNd HuGH JaCkMAn? (*chuckles*) I aLsO LiKE mUsiC (i siNG & pLAY tHE piAnO)
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I'd like to meet:

aNyoNe... & i WuD rEaLLy LiKE tO gET tO kNOw yOU. f yOu hAd nOthiN' tO dO, wE cAn chAt! oR u cAn LeAve a mSg..=)
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!


Akon ft. Nivea - Nobody (Don't Matter Remix) Grab more music codes @