Chris Anytime profile picture

Chris Anytime

Everyone must believe in something. I believe I'll have another drink. W.C. Fields

About Me

Well, I'm a 42 years old Punk Rocker (But I actually look and behave younger), born from a Belgian mother and a Polish father, living in Lille, North of France. I went through the ups and downs of a western world punker boy, and let's say I'm currently in the ups... Get your kicks, have fun, and don't be an ass, show some class...

My Interests

20th Century History, Politics, Pizza & Pasta, havin' Fun With My Dog, Motor Racing, Seaside Resting, Reading, Gigs, Friends, Folks, Girls, Sex, Partying, Drinking... Well, Hey, Sexy, Living...

I'd like to meet:

Travis Bickle ?

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"Back In USSR"... In the summer of 1990 a gang of 60 silly frenchies stormed the way from Paris to Irkutsk, to play a bunch of concerts in Siberia and a kind of paint ball party on the shores of the Baïkal Lake... May be were we helpful (????) in the collapse of the Soviet Union, one year later...


RAWK'N'RAWL, PUNK RAWK’NRAWL !!! Here's My Autumn Of '07 Top 25 (Sort Of...)



Workin' for it, Usually overdosin' after a day work, So don't really watchin' it... But Sometimes...


Works from Bataille, Kafka, Cioran, Vian, Bukowski, Fante, Nietsche, Jonathan Coe, Brecht, Mannkel, Ellroy, Connelly, Celine, Paasilinna, Hemmingway, Pelvine...


DONATIEN ALPHONSE FRANCOIS DE SADE - "What does one want when one is engaged in the sexual act? That everything around you give you its utter attention, think only of you, care only for you...Every man wants to be a tyrant when he fornicates." MARIO ANDRETTI - "When everything is under control, then you're not going fast enough". WC FIELDS - "Every One Should Believe In Something... I Believe I'll Take Another Drink" TRAVIS BICKLE - "All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets."

My Blog

"ANYTIME, BABY..." Chris Anytime 's CHRoNiCS, GoSSiPs, SaVoiR ViVRe, ReVieWS, LieS and MoRe !

Coming Soon !!!
Posted by Chris Anytime on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 04:15:00 PST