ASHTONES profile picture


We are fucking
RaWk 'n' ROll !

About Me

2001, three guys brain smashed by "Young, Loud and Snotty", "L.a.m.f" and "It's Alive" chose to be ASHTONES (Thanx Ron & Scott).Then we were four, then five: it was the good line-up to do what we planned. We had gigs with bands like Gee Strings, Boss Martians, Sons of Cyrus, Peter Pan Speed Rock, Lucifer Starmachine... even Bellrays. 2003, we recorded a first demo "Rock&Roll Junkies". 2004, a second one "Santa Rocka Rolla".
2005: Ashtones record 4 songs at Kaiser Studio with Lucas Trouble. 3 of them find a place on "The Kaiser Fucks the New French Rock" (w/Holy Curse/Jerry Spider Gang/Dimi Dero Inc...). Among them the "Search & Destroy" cover where Lucas Trouble's organ do the napalm flow (A Vietnam Veteran..Who else could do that??). On September,Ashtones is the only french band at the "Wasted" (Melkweg/Amsterdam).
2006: Ashtone Dav leaves and Ashtone D.Stroy joins the gang. July,from 14th to 17th, the band records 9 killing songs. "A She-devil is my Dope fiend" (10") is out onn October..and YOU CAN GET IT MOTHERFUCKERS.
But it's better to leave the mike to Bowy from the Pits'team: "A She-Devil is my Dope fiend" review (Up Yours/January 2007)..
"Way more close to home comes the first vinyl output by the North French garage rats,THE ASHTONES. A unit led by skinny,razor-edged skin & bones vocals who looks and sounds as he's really been places and done all kinds of things you'd better not dare dream about. I mean he doe'nt only display credibility: he fuckin' IS streetwise credibility! These folks from Lille have been around over a few years,but-having them seen live a couple of times and judging from their previous demos-it was until they switched for a new lead guitar they actually got hold of a sound which fitted them really well. Of course this is greasy,filthy punk rock action running on booze,overtime medication,cheap night shop snacks and almost no sleep.""A She-Devil is my Dope Fiend" pretty much reveals the complete picture this 10" dwells in. This is the area where hoodlums like The Humpers,outcasts like The Pagans,hustlers and junkies like The Heartbreakers,living wrecks like The Dead Boys and jail birds like The Candysnatchers tend to meet and roams the cold,nightly outskirts of town. These tunes are the tails of the lost,the depraved,the shredded souls,the ripped-and-torn...and THE ASHTONES are able to lay down the goodies in the bare nakedness as a solid force to be reckoned with. Compared to their previous days I've seen this lot evolve. Due to hard work,relentless gigging and stubborn belief in their love for punkrock at its purest format this band has delivered a piece of wax that's way better than either Jerry Spider Gang or Holy Curse (to name some French acts who could be labelled in the same musical levels). These 9 cuts are way more into the Spannish region of Los Perros mixed up with some fine German Gee Strings elements. A nice surprise,done by the band themselves in a complete D.I.Y-effort. But nonetheless a worthwhile item to obtain especially since the 10" format seems to be way over it's hype and tends to be forgotten as a cool neat vinyl package."
Some VidZ...
Disponible contre 7 neurones à ROCK HARDI,3 rue Beausoleil, 63100 Clermont-Ferrand (France)
NEW T. SHIRT "HELLFIRE.." Order it to Ashtones R.R.R. 29 rue Malesherbes,59000 Lille (France)
NEXT GIGS au Rock'n Roll Jihad and Friends :
[Checkout at Rock'n'Roll Jihad !]

My Interests


Member Since: 1/13/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

FACTORY in PIANORO (November 2007)


Ashtone Max: Guitar/b.Vocal/Evil power of Rock & Roll
Ashtone D. Stroy: Guitar/b.vocal/Heart full of Napalm
Ashtone Olivz: Drums/Self destroying kit
Ashtone Squatt: Bass/Thunder sound blade
Ashtone Gé: Lead Vocal/Scars lead

Ashtone Olivz

Ashtone Gé

Ashtone Squatt

Ashtone D.Stroy

Ashtone Max

Some Past Gigs A She-Devil is my Dope Fiend (autoproduction)
"Direct from Lille aux pirates! En direct des limbes du rock'n roll le plus teigneux,le plus lubrique et le plus fracassant. Celui qui a pour heros Stiv Bators,Dee Dee Ramone et G.G. Alin. Celui qui vénère les dieux vivants Iggy Pop,Hank von Helvete et Lucas Trouble. Ashtones est la glorification du riff instantané,du beat lapidaire et du chant bestial. Excellente initiation à l'univers du groupe lillois,ces huit titres (sic),joliment gravés sur un 25 cm à la pochette aux couleurs criardes,sont un ravissement pour toute personne aimant se faire récurer les oreilles de fond en comble. Bref,rachetez vous une platine! "(FF)
"Die ASHTONES wilderrn aber eher im rrotzigen und verschwitzten US Punk n' Roll der alten schule,also bei den DEAD BOYS,HEARTBREAKERS,STOOGES und greifen zudern enerrgie und hitppotenzial späterer vertreten vie den HUMPERS,NEW BOMB TURKS and DEVIL DOGS auf,kombiniert mit einen wunderbach verrauchten und versoffenen gesang."
MUTINY ZINE (Nov. 2006)
"Get this one if you're into the really dirty garage punk rock and roll stuff !"
HIGH HEELS SLUT 10 (Oct 2007)
"now a switch has been made on the guitar spot and this self-released 10" heads into the direction the band should have already taken years ago. The eight originals display a healthy addiction of singer Ashtone G. and his fellows for classics acts as the Dead Boys and the Stooges."

Record Label: Nicotine Records
Ashtones R.R.R.

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Line-Up

ASHTONES'Line Up just changed: Debo leaved and Ashtone Squatt entered..That's Line-up History:-1st: Ashtone Gé (lead vocal+bass),Ashtone Max (Guitar),Ashtone P.J. (drums)-2nd:Ashtone Gé (lead Vocal),A...
Posted by ASHTONES on Mon, 05 May 2008 09:27:00 PST


ASHTONES will be back on tour...June 2008 and it will be in Spain.. Glad to meet spanish rawkers..-June 04 @ Mojomatic (Montpellier/Fr)-June 05 @tbc (Barcelona/Sp)-June 06..-June 07 @ Iguana Kafe (Vit...
Posted by ASHTONES on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:31:00 PST

5 Days in Germany (Easter 2008)

March 19,8pm,we’re leaving in our out of use van,we must join Köln because we can’t reach Berlin in one shot. It’s 1am when we stop in front of Sonic Ballroom after our first police ...
Posted by ASHTONES on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:13:00 PST

She-Devil Retox Tour (November2007): DIARY!!!

Retox,Retox!!! We should have plan Detox: we started on November 9 and there was nothing to feed us anymore on November 11. We booked ourselves a small tour to meet Alberto from our label Nicotine Rec...
Posted by ASHTONES on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 09:30:00 PST


From November 8 to November 18, 2007,we'll be touring again in Europa (France/Italia)...This "She-Devil Retox Tour" will be booked by our official booking agent OURSELF..-November 9: Zoo Bar (Nancy/Fr...
Posted by ASHTONES on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 07:29:00 PST

Debut Album & New Recording

Our debut album on Nicotine Records will be out on November. It's called "Hellfire and Paradise Falls"...Last week-end (September 22/23),we recorded always with Mike Black,always at Ass-City Basement ...
Posted by ASHTONES on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 08:33:00 PST

The French Gigs (diary part 4)

March 14 is the start of the long drive. We got 2 days to do Berlin/Nice. We planned to stop half road in Belfort where a friend Wellene provided us a sleeping place. First thing you learn when you're...
Posted by ASHTONES on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:20:00 PST

The German Gigs (diary part 3)

March 10: Stuttgart. First,that gig was March 10 at the Zwolfzehn,then March 14 always at the Zwolfzehn and it ends March 10 at The Schlesinger where we had to open for the english ballroom band calle...
Posted by ASHTONES on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 02:22:00 PST

The German Gigs (Diary part 2)

March 7: Germany we're back!! It's for us the best country for real rawkers. Our first german gig is at the Sonic Ballroom in Koln. Since 2005,we used to play once a year at the Sonic Ballroom and we ...
Posted by ASHTONES on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:46:00 PST

The Netherlands gigs (Diary part 1)

The "She-Devil Tour" started on March 1. Our first steps drove us to the Netherlands and especialy in the north,in Hoorn for our first gig..The bar was called Cafe Swaf,fine place,fine people (Thanks ...
Posted by ASHTONES on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 06:48:00 PST