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Lord's Servant, I am thee.

About Me

R.I.D.D.I.A. is a Christian investigative team out of the Providence, Rhode Island area. We use Biblical principles, which we apply during our investigations dealing with the demonic realm. Our whole main goal is to assist those who genuinely seek spiritual help. We will access the situation, and provide answers as to what may be going on, if these disturbances are proven authentic. We believe the gifts of the Spirit are in full operation today, and are provided for those who wish to receive them. Jesus said in Luke 10:19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm you. We believe that Jesus has given us power over demons, and all the works of the devil. Paranormal investigating and being a Spirit filled Christian have one major thing in common, they both combat negative forces.R.I.D.D.I.A.S whole main objective is to help as many people as we can. Media, money, power and control is not what we are all about. We feel that Paranormal Research Teams, should network together with only one main purpose in mind . . . to help those who are in need of relief. The unseen world is very much real, and we have dedicated our lives in destroying the works of the enemy in Christ Jesus.Founders Joe Cetrone and Michael Piccurelli have done just that, dedicated their lives to help all who wish to be helped.God Bless!Joe and Michael Founders of R.I.D.D.I.A./Radio Show Strange Encounters