a wise man once said "the only constant in life is change". He was wrong. There is two constants in life.
I am bored and old.
I do music to kill time.
I sing in Hollywood Streetwalker
along with my (insert number with a bunch of 0s to exaggerate) musical projects
Kindergarten Hazing Ritual
Zombie Ninja Schmoe
Vas:Deferans (a.k.a. -=Mana+Pinata=- a.k.a. La'Merde)
Samus's Pimp
-NegativeHype- (hip hop project you'll never hear because I'm completely ashamed of my voice when rapping)
Eaglebauer Goes to Quiznos (coming eventually)
Ash Ketchum and the Snuff Porn Kings ("skrams" [that's what the kids call it these days] project that in true "skrams" fashion has already disbanded)
Deth Adder (grind heavily influenced by Carcass and Anal Cunt. disbanded. Adam now has the name)
the Anti-Valentines (total crap. . .except for "teen girls suck". . .that song is pop punk gold if I do say so myself) Sushi Smash (collaboration with Mr. Adam Cooley [BROS!] that will return, dammit)
Triskaidekaphobia (collaboration with Bruce Incentive . .I'm sure he'll give me the link if there is one)
Life Debt (HI CHRIS!!!)
Sometimes Dead is Better (HI MIKE!!!)
Bad Influence (HI HIRAM!!!!)
. . . .yeah, I just listed ever band I was ever in to kill time.
tha Kart: 3566-1941-2572
smashy trashy brawly brawly: 2835-9863-2577