Motorcycles, Sailing, Skiing... Although lately, it is mainly just the motorcycle, it turns out I can still win a regatta when I need to.
William Shatner, Bridget Fonda, Kevin Smith, Ozzy, Bill Murray, Bob Saget, Natasha Henstridge, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, and Nicholas Cage.
Jerry Garcia, Pink Floyd, The Black Crows, Ozzy, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, George Clinton, P.W. Long, Agent Orange, Captured by Robots, Kidd Rock, Snorkel
The Star Wars saga, Split Second(1992), Apocolypse Now, Rushmore, Tombstone, Office Space, Clerks, Dogma, Less then Zero, The Wall, Brazil, Hudsucker Proxy, Big Lewbowski, Kingpin, Smokey and the Bandit I, Smokey and the Bandit II, Dazed and Confused, Fandango, Bladerunner, Grandma's Boy, pretty much any movie that Nicholas Cage has been in, except for Valley Girl.
Big Brother, 24, Lost, Boston Legal, House, American Idol, Heroes, The Office, Entourage, Saturday Night Live, Scrubs, Californication
Hunter S. Thompson's stuff, Tom Clancy's stuff, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Snow Crash. I don't read know, HD DVR and all that. I see no need.
Ayrton Sena, Burt Reynolds, Ronald Reagan, anyone who has flown on the space shuttle, Jerry, and whoever puts the piece on there like that.