Shows (MeTaL, PuNk, DeATh)Raves (the underground kind)Art, Carz, bikes, Wrestling, UFC,PitBuLLS +(RIP: BEATLEJUICE), +(RIP; PRIMUS)fAST FOOD,aNYthing that doesnt SUCK!
Metal chicks. Goth chiks..jOHN Dressed as Santa Dancing to Combi Christ!! 12/24/06!
+Death Metal: Morbid Angel, Cannibal CorpSe, EX Mortis, Impetico.etc.+Other: iNDUstrial, Rave, Gothic, 80s and CLassical.
Horror Movies..ALL sizes and shapes of HORROR movies.And Classic horror movies. B movies.ANIME.Sci Fi.
mY PitBull. My car