Being around good people, funny cats, And makin the world laugh!?If ur Not Ramdom...its not funny! img>
I would like to meet the girl who will make me feel comfortable in my own skin. The one who will always be there to have my back. The one who will NEVER lie to me. The one who will eventually love me, but not for how I look, or the things that I have, but for who I am. So that when my looks fade, and the cars, motorcycles, and everything else are gone, love, will still be there. I would also like to meet anyone else honest. We are only treated the way we permit our selves to be treated. That being said, I will never again tolerate any person who lies to me, to be in my life. Its easier just to let me know.
Create your own Friend Quiz here
NothingFace.....SpineShank......Three days Grace...CrossFade....Flaw....dust to dust....metallitca..SlipKnot...Linkin park...and ALl old rock baby
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1.Snatch2.Pool Hall Junkies3.Terminator 24.Fightclub5.The Fifth Element6.LAst Samurai7.Die Hard 1 2 38.The transporter9.Falling Down10. All the Nightmare one elm street flims!11.Freris bueller"s Day off12.Office Space13.Black hawk Down14.Man on Fire15.Roin16.Heat17.Pulp Fiction.......SOo Much more ..........
"THe Devils Tear drop" "Praying For Sleep" The Vashed man bone collector The Chillers. The Twelfth card All great books......
My Mom for going through alot with my family, My BESt of Friends that have been with me from the STARt, Brain,Darren,Elan,kal,Aric,Rami,Squeak. Without these people i wouldnt be who i am. Friends must not be lost nor Forgotten